2 - What is Happening Right now?

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Lily's POV:

Behind the van was 7 GIANT BLACK...DOGS? They were almost 5 ft tall, had huge teeth, and glowing red eyes. I looked back over at Annabeth and her jaw was on the floor and her eyes were full of so many different emotions I couldn't even tell you half of them.

When the van halted to a stop it seemed to bring her out of her trance, you could almost see the gears in her head working to formulate a plan. At that point I couldn't hold it in anymore so I screamed towards her "WHAT ARE THOSE?" And just then did she remember we were standing here, she muttered a curse in Greek under her breath.

She Looked at Alice and Trevor who just looked confused really, then over at me. I have no doubt I look like I just saw the world explode because, I was definitely horrified. She asked me what I saw, So I replied in a not so quiet voice "HUGE DEMON DOGS!" She looked like she just got hit with a wave of realization. She stood there like that for about half a second, then jumped into action. She turned to Alice and Trevor "Stay right here and don't follow us, Ok?" She told them in a tone that amplified the fact that you should Never, and I mean NEVER go against her. I then noticed she said 'follow us', "us?" I asked her. Annabeth nodded her head, grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the steps so fast I almost fell down. At that point we were sprinting towards the van.

As we approached the van people started jumping out. The driver stayed put though, I got a closer look and saw that he was a small latino kid who looked kind of elfish. He had headphones in and was jamming out to something. Four teenagers (not counting the driver) ran out of the van, three of them started running towards us, but one of them changed course and went to the driver. The one who went to get the driver had blond hair, glasses, and electric blue eyes, he pulled open the drivers door then proceeded to rip the headphones off his head and pull him out of the car. The elfish boy didn't seem too thrilled about this, so he started flailing around and whining, until the blond boy pointed toward the approaching dogs. That was all the kid needed to start running full speed ahead.

We met in the somewhat middle of the courtyard, there was a total of five teenagers that came out of that van. When we got to the middle I was out of breath, at that point Annabeth had let me go and we stopped moving. I finally got a good look at everyone. There was the elfish boy, the blond boy, a cherokee girl with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope eyes, a boy with very pale skin and shaggy black hair. The last one had tanned skin, sea green eyes, and windswept black hair. When we stopped running I was the only one out of breath which kind of surprised me because we moved pretty far very fast.

Annabeth made eye contact with the sea green eyed boy, they stood there for a millisecond looking into each other's eyes. Then they surged forward and kissed, I would have been all over them if we weren't being chased by demon dogs. The blond boy cleared his throat and the elfish boy just yelled "GUYS! THERE ARE 7 HELLHOUNDS! THIS IS NOT THE TIME!" As funny as that was he was actually right. They pulled apart and held each other's hands, everyone looked at Annabeth-then to me-then to Annabeth again. She took a breath then started explaining "This is Lily," I waved at them as she continued "she is like us, I think. But anyway we need to get those hellhounds away from the mortals." I wonder why she said mortals like she wasn't one. "So where do we lead them?" the girl with choppy hair asked, Annabeth thought for a moment then as if a light bulb went off above her head she quickly pointed towards an alley behind the school. everyone seemed to understand. Then we started running, again.

When we got to the alley the 'hellhounds', as they called them, were pretty close behind. Annabeth turned to me and seemed to have a conversation with herself deciding on what to do with me. "Lily, please go stand over there and don't come out of the corner until we say so."she decided with that apparently. I understood she was not in the mood to argue, so I walked over to the corner she pointed at and just stood there waiting for what was to come.

About 30 seconds later the fight began. When the hellhounds got there they circled around the six teenagers and didn't seem to notice me, and I was not about to complain about that. As soon as the hellhounds started closing in people started drawing weapons. The cherokee girl pulled out a dagger, Annabeth had a sword that just seemed to appear from the shadows, the pale boy's ring transformed into a sword that seemed to radiate fear, the elfish boy just pulled a hammer out of his belt, the blond boy pulled out a sword too, and the sea green eyed boy pulled out a pen. That last one confused me, like what are you gonna do? Write on the demon dog? But he uncapped the pen and it seriously turned into a 3 foot long glowing bronze sword.

When the first hellhound broke the circle and attacked it went straight for the blond boy. He just started fighting with it. Then all the hounds attacked. One went after the cherokee girl, one went after the pale boy, and one went after the scrawny latino boy. The last three went after Annabeth and the sea green eyed boy.

None of them seemed very frightened by these dogs from hell, except the boy with unruly black hair, he kept nervously glancing at Annabeth like he was afraid she would get hurt. Somehow the dogs didn't notice me, which I was of course grateful for, but kind of weirded out by. I was brought back out of my thoughts when I heard a scream. "PIPER!" the blond boy yelled. The Cherokee girl who I guess was named Piper, had gotten cut on her leg when she was finishing the hound off. The blond boy quickly killed his hellhound and ran over to her, he picked her up and kissed her head lovingly. When she stood with him I could hear her whimper and see her flinch, I assumed the gash must hurt.

When the black haired boy saw her he did not look happy to say the least. He started fighting more viciously, like a whirlwind with his blade. Soon there were only 3 hounds left, it was all going fine until I heard a yelp and a thud. It was Annabeth.

The dog she was fighting had created a large gash with its claws on her stomach, causing her to hit the ground and pass out. "WISE GIRL!" the sea green eyed boy yelled. When he witnessed her get hurt you could almost feel the pain radiating off of him. He tried to get over to her but he was cornered. Realization that he couldn't get to her struck him like a bullet, so he turned to look at the pale boy and screamed "NICO! HELP HER! LEO KILL THE HELLHOUND!" you could hear the desperation in his voice. The boy, Nico, nodded and ran over to her and started to gently move her as the elfy one, Leo, ran over to kill the hound above her.

When Nico pulled Annabeth over to the side he lifted up her shirt to look at the wound. At this point Leo had driven the dog away from Annabeth and it ran over to the black haired boy, And then ran over to Annabeth's limp body. He visibly winced at the gash, I could tell by the look on his face it was bad. Nico looked up and over to the black haired boy "Percy, it's pretty bad." When he said it I could tell he wanted to be saying almost anything else, but knew he couldn't. The black haired boy, Percy, looked like his heart just got ripped out. Percy started mumbling "no, no, no, no, no, no" "Perce-" Nico started, only to be interrupted by Percy screaming "NO!" At this point he was shaking with anger, his eyes looked like there was a hurricane happening inside them. He turned slowly to face the remaining three hellhounds and glared a glare that made me want to curl up and die, even the dogs looked a little uneasy.

Then, about 15 more different weird looking monsters appeared and looked at him like he was a snack " Hello, Kelli" Percy stated without any emotion audible in his words "Percy," She started "I haven't seen you since the pit, where is that little girlfriend of yours? I would love to eat her for dinner, that is assuming she made it out of the pit alive." With those words something inside him seemed to break like glass shattering, I could see it in his eyes.

Percy then closed his eyes and took a deep breath...


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