ARC 1: Battle on the Mountain

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If enough Id is created and stays in a place for a long enough time, the core desire of that Id will sometimes form into a spirit. They can take many forms, appear animalistic or humanoid, and can vary in sapience or intelligence, but always adhere to their nature. Spirits will gravitate towards areas that contain their appropriate Id, a spirit of whimsy will seek the carnival, while a spirit of fishing may travel the world and fish amidst humans.

Once these Spirits become old enough and collect enough Id, they can evolve into a greater spirit, settling down in one place, and establishing something known as a dominion. A greater spirit needs deliberate offerings from those within its dominion, surrendering more Id to them than a normal spirit would ever need, however, they gain a great power in return. Every hundred years, a greater spirit may establish a rule, an indisputable fact about the zone they inhabit, and no creature with its soul intact is immune to it. In other words, the only power higher than a spirit in their dominion is heaven itself.

Silas knocked on Xenia's front door with his heel, holding several bags of shopping in each hand "We're home! Open up!" he called

Some kind of muffled acknowledgement could be heard from within the house, but through the walls none of it was decipherable. The knight sighed and leaned on the wall beside the door, watching Raiya skip over with half as many bags as he did.

"Why am I holding more if you literally have extra hands?"

"You wouldn't make a lady hold her presents would you?"

Silas chuckled through his teeth in an impressive tempering of intense violent urges. The spirit had demanded the first thing they do was buy her 'some stuff' since she had nothing to her name. She also, coincidentally, didn't believe in the concept of money and refused to even humour the idea of paying Silas back for everything he bought her.

"They're not presents, I helped you out because we're partners, and in return, I expect a baseline of cooperation from you..."

"It's not my fault things cost money," she shrugged, munching on a churro that set her back nothing

At the first chance she got the tigress ditched her prison rags and got changed in a dressing room. She'd found a sleeveless white Gi, a pair of baggy pants that she tied at the ankles, and some rubber-soled slip-on shoes. Raiya nabbed some gold bracelets for her upper wrists for cheap at a jewellery store, then 'legally acquired' a black and red scarf to tie around her waist.

"Hold on," She said while walking over, and Silas could see the ears atop her head turn and focus on the house "Someone's here..." The tigress balled her fists, and took quicker, more grounded steps in response to whoever was inside

The front door opened, and standing there like a ferret in front of a freight train, Henry grit his teeth and clenched his face again. "...Hello..." he squeezed from pressed lips

Silas sighed and muscled past him "fuck's sake. I'm not going to hit you, why are you even here-"

"I am!" Raiya shouted, before flinch-checking Henry so hard he leapt back and bumped his head on the wall behind him "Heh, pussy," she brushed past as well

Xenia was waiting for them in the living room, sitting on her couch with a wing draped over the back of it. On occasion, she, with her dramatic wings and angelic physique, had the tendency to appear as if directly out of a church mural.

"Hi all..." She yawned "You get along on your shopping trip?"

"Sure," Raiya shrugged

Silas chuckled in disbelief "No?" then lowered his voice "Why's bald-spot here?"

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