Club groups

273 27 22

When I woke up, I received a notification on my phone from the school that there would be nothing this Saturday, and it was a day off. However, apparently, this means that on any other Saturday everything can be different. Well, at least today I can relax a little. Although, on the other hand, I won't show up at school today and won't be able to chat with the few people I already know. And it is also almost impossible to find new acquaintances in this way. So this is the end? So there will only be two people in my faction by the end of this week? Well, two is still better than zero, isn't it?

– Good morning, sleepyhead.

I turned at the sound of that enchanting voice and beheld a beauty of unearthly beauty. Oh, no, it turned out to be Nishino, a follower of my faction. Although, of course, she is still pretty, but clearly inferior to some of the other girls I have already seen. Now she is calmly reading something on her phone, perhaps this is also a message from the school, like mine.

– Good morning.

Hmm, judging by the time on my smartphone screen, we have already missed the start of school, and since she is not worried about this, then the same message came to her much earlier, and most likely Watanabe too. By the way, where is he?

– That's it, I'm done. The shower is free.

And now all of a sudden, when I just had time to think about it, Watanabe came out of the shower, and from there steam is also pouring into the rest of the room in whole cloud layers. Why does he need such a large amount of hot water? And why didn't he change his clothes right there, as he did just yesterday and the day before yesterday?? Instead, this guy came out of the shower wearing only a large bath towel covering his torso and legs above the knees, and slippers.

– Finally.

Nishino relaxed a little, but did not look up from her phone. Apparently, she wants to go to the shower next? In any case, Watanabe took a couple of steps towards her and leaned over slightly, taking a look at what she was doing with her phone.

– Whoa, wait. Do you play tetris?

– Is there a problem with this?

Nishino put her smartphone down on the pillow of her futon with a slight irritation and looked at Watanabe with a slight frown. Soon her eyes widened, apparently in surprise, and her cheeks turned a little red in seconds. Did she have a fever? Or is it because of the steam? Yes, it's getting a little hot in here.

– What the fuck are you doing?!

Yes, he is next to her now, in fact, without clothes. Although, of course, it depends on the point of view. After all, it couldn't be said that his body was completely naked right now.

– Ha? Oh, do you like it, I see?

Is he serious? I mean, she hit you just yesterday. Or do you think that since I'm here, she's going to hold back? Even I don't hold back all the time, except for those moments when I write tests and exams for 50 points, but that's another story.

– Get dressed quickly, before I personally...

– Dressed me~?

He interrupted her in the middle of a sentence and spoke in a kind of sickly sugary voice. This is strange. Is he trying to make fun of her like that? This guy is really risky.

– ... Castrated you right here!

She raised her hand to a level just above her head, about the level of his groin, before forcefully clenching it into a fist. Hm.

– Oh, Eris... yes, ma'am.

Watanabe was suddenly seized with fear, after which he grabbed his already prepared clothes and rushed back to the bathroom to change. Well, Nishino's statement turned out to be quite effective. Honestly, now that I think about it, I wanted to move some distance away from her. For my own safety, of course.

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