Chapter 4: The grounds🌿

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*Louis jogged up to Harry, his arms bending at his sides and waving lazily as he ran. Once he reached the younger boy he slowed his pace and turned back in the right direction to start a slow walk by his side. The moment that Louis turned to walk next to him, his hand gently brushed his hip, sending jolts of electricity through Harry's stomach. He tried to ignore the warm feeling that Louis radiated off but he couldn't get past it. Although the boy acted like a grump all the time, he was like the sun, so bright and fun.*

Louis-soooo...what were you and Zigzag talking about then?

*He asked, Harry laughing at the name. He also noticed his accent more than usual. *

Harry- zigzag?

Louis-yeah that's what I call him

*Louis laughed back, realising that him and Harry hadn't spoken much before, so he didn't know all the weird little names that Louis liked to come up with.*

Harry-your such an idiot

*He scoffed at the blue eyed boy, who dramatically gasped to earn another laugh. Louis hadn't realised how chill Harry was.*

Louis-hey! As if you aren't! Also I'll have you know that I am anything but an idiot! Anyway, you didn't answer my question?

Harry-uh- oh yeah, what was it again?

*Harry was starting to panic. He'd never actually had a one to one conversation with Louis before. Only ever in his little day dreams when he imagined what it would be like, just maybe, if there was something more between the two. This was a big step for him...*

Louis-and you call me stupid!

*Louis snickered, punching his arm playfully, sending another burst of butterfly's through Harry's stomach. He didn't understand how he could so easily affect him like that.*

Louis-what were you and zigzag talking about?

Harry- oh yeahhhh! Uhhh just about the class and the homework.

Louis-wait we have homework!

Harry-uh no! It was just me because- Um...I got in trouble! With Snape, so he gave me extra know how Snape is

*He rolled his eyes to add to the act, hoping Louis hadn't noticed how much he stuttered. He nearly started ranting on about his feelings for the boy who just happened to be walking with him now. That would certainly scare him off, so instead he decided to come up with a lame ass excuse.*

Louis-oh thank god! I got worried then! If you want we could meet up sometime and do the homework together? A dummy like you could use my help!

*Louis replied, his sassy side peaking out.*

Harry-yes! I'd love that! Uh- I meant sure! Where and wh- when?

*Harry didn't want to seem to eager to hang out, but over the last few weeks, all he'd wanted to do was spend some quality time with Louis.*

Louis- uh I was thinking-

Liam-god come on you two!

*Liam ordered, getting annoyed at their slow pace.*

Louis-alright alright Payno! I'll tell you the details later ok?

*Louis smiled at Harry. Then before he walked off, his body wouldn't let him. He had caught sight of Harry's incredible emerald eyes. He'd never noticed them before. But now that he was finally close enough, he realised how utterly stunning they were. He could stare at them all day! And come to think of it, Louis realised he had cute dimples too, and his curls that were held back by a scarf made him look pretty hot.  But that's weird. And he shouldn't be feeling like this. So he'll lock those feelings away before he starts feeling anything else that's weird. He needs to be normal. Finding a guy attractive and being a guy your self isn't normal. And if Louis wasn't normal then he wasn't good enough. And he had to be good enough. So he pulled himself out of his daydream to walk with Liam.*

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