Chapter 6: charms✨

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I'm so sorry this was so late! I got logged out of my account and couldn't get back in. But here's the 6th chapter. Please leave comments so I know how I'm doing and let me know if you're enjoying it so far!!!


*As Louis and Harry entered the classroom, they noticed that they were almost the last students there. This was regular for Louis but not so much Harry, as he liked to be on top of things most of the time. The boys looked around for spare seats in the rows, both of them spotting Libby next to an empty seat. She was frantically waving down at the boys but they both knew whose attention she was desperate to get. They looked at each other at the same time, Louis just shrugged and gave a knowing look, expecting Harry to go and sit with her.*

Libby-HARRY! Harry! Come sit here!

*Libby gestured towards the empty seat next to her, that she had covered with her bag and coat, clearly trying to keep it free. Across the room there was also another empty seat, the seat that Louis predicted he would be spending the rest of this lesson in. As the older boy turned in the direction of the seat, he caught sight of Harry who wasn't moving from his position.*

Louis-everything alright?

*Harry turned to him and shuffled closer. Close enough to whisper into his ear.*

Harry -I really don't want to sit next to her.

Louis-then let me sort it.

*Harry turned and gave him a confused look, shocked that Louis was so quick to act. He hadn't expected him to care at all. In fact, like most people, he'd thought that Louis would just assume that he was playing along to Libby's dumb game. But no. Instead, Louis did the complete opposite.*

Harry-uh Lou wha-

*Louis sauntered down the rows. Libby watched him approach, a confused look matching Harry's. Then, Harry watched as Louis turned to her, gave her a sarcastic smile, and plopped down in the seat next to her, dropping his books on the table. Harry was just left stood there with a huge smile spread across his face. Louis looked back at him, ignoring Libby's protests, and smirked at Harry, happy to see that his curly haired friend looked happier.*

Libby-Louis what are you doing. Couldn't you quite clearly tell I was asking HARRY to sit next to me. Not you!

Louis-well I'm sat here now so it looks like your stuck with me. May as well just put up with it.

*He shrugged at her, enjoying every second of winding her up. She turned back to Harry, searching for help.*

Libby-no! Harry do something!

Louis-yeah Harry do something!

*Louis echoed, taking the piss out of her high pitched voice, she turned and threatened to hit him which Louis desperately attempted to dodge.*

Harry-how about put up with it?

*Louis chuckled at Harry's remark as he walked over to the empty seat across the room next to Ron. Ron smiled at him as he sat down, assuming that the two had sorted everything out. But Libby decided that she wasn't going to "put up with it". She stood up and speed walked over to where Harry was now sat. Louis just watched as she did so, his elbows leaning over either side of the chair, interested in what her next move was going to be. The whole class was now watching all four of them, wanting to see how each of them would react after their encounter.*

Libbt-move Weasily.

Ron-uh- ok-

Harry-no Ron.

*Harry held his arm down as he turned his head to Libby*

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