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My Heart's Unspoken Devotion

As this love story chapter draws to a close,
My heart's affection for you, overflows.
From the moment we first met, you captivated me,
A special place in my heart, you'll forever be.

Though I chose to keep my feelings silent,
My admiration for you remains steadfast and resilient.
I've cherished our bond, our friendship so true,
Wishing only the best, as I watch from afar for you.

The love I hold in my heart, I can no longer contain,
A love that is pure, unconditional, and will remain.
Though I may not have confessed the depth of my heart,
Know that you, K, are forever a part.

This poem is a testament to the love I feel,
A love so profound, its depths I can't fully reveal.
As I turn this page, know that you'll always be near,
Forever in my heart, my love for you, so sincere.

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