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In the garden of emotions,
a blossoming affair,
His presence, a melody in the love-filled air.

A liking that sprouted,
a tender seed
In the heart's terrain,
where emotions feed.

His smile, a sunbeam on a cloudy day,
In the dance of feelings,
a vibrant display.
A liking that deepends with each passing hour, a connection growing like a blooming flower.

In the gallery of admiration,
his image shines.
A liking that transcends the boundaries of time.
Through the tapestry of moments, woven with care,
a genuine fondness,
A love so rare.

His quirks and virtues, a charming blend,
In the symphony of affection, a cherished trend.
A liking that paints the canvas of the soul,
In colors of passion,
making the heart whole

As days unfold, and seasons change
The liking matures, it rearranges.
A journey of emotions, sincere and true.
In the realm of liking,
he's the chosen view.

So let the verses of admiration flow,
In the poetry of hearts,
where feelings grow.
A liking that evolves
into something sublime,
In the story of us,
an everlasting rhyme.

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