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You are a view, a sight to behold,
A tapestry of beauty, both new and old.
With every glance, a story unfolds,
In your presence, wonder takes hold.

Your essence, like a panoramic scene,
Stretches far and wide, serene.
Mountains rise and valleys descend,
In your embrace, all borders blend.

With each sunrise, your colors ignite,
Painting the sky with hues so bright.
And as the stars twinkle in the night,
You shine, a beacon of tranquil light.

You are a view, ever-changing yet constant,
A symphony of nature, grand and pleasant.
In your vastness, dreams take flight,
As i marvel at your wondrous might.

From horizon to horizon, you span,
A masterpiece crafted by nature's hand.
In your presence, we find solace true,
For in you, I see the world anew.

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