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Sitting here, thoughts of you flood my mind,
I imagine your smile, your laugh so kind.
What would it be like if you were mine?
My heart flutters at the daydream I find.

When you’re nearby but surrounded by others,
You're the only one my eye discovers.
In the gentle sway of your every move,
My heart dances to a rhythm smooth.

In this daydream, we share a glance,
A fleeting moment, a silent trance.
Your eyes meet mine, a spark ignites,
In that instant, the world alights.

Hand in hand, we stroll through fields,
Where sunlight dances and nature yields.
Whispers of love float on the breeze,
As we lose ourselves in moments seized.

In this daydream, time stands still,
As if the universe bends to our will.
Wrapped in each other, we find solace true,
In a world where it's just me and you.

But sadly, the daydream fades away,
Reality beckons, colors turn to gray.
Yet in my heart, the memory stays,
A beacon of hope on life's winding maze.

So I'll cherish this daydream, hold it dear,
For in its essence, you are near.
And though you may be out of reach,
In my daydreams, you're mine to teach.

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