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I try to keep my distance, to guard my heart,
Unwilling to feel the pain of another start.
Yet when you're near, my defenses fall away,
My pulse quickens, I can't look the other way.

Your eyes, they draw me in, a magnetic force,
I'm powerless to resist, my mind runs its course.
Though I've built walls to protect what's inside,
With just one glance, they crumble, I can't hide.

I tell myself to stay back, to not get too close,
But your presence, it captivates, my caution it throws.
This battle within, a constant inner strife,
As I long for your touch, yet fear the hurt and strife.

I keep my distance, hoping to avoid the pain,
But your allure is too strong, my efforts are in vain.
For every time our eyes meet, my heart races wild,
Reminding me of the love I've so carefully filed.

I wish I could extinguish this flame in my chest,
To quiet the yearning that won't let me rest.
Yet your gaze holds me captive, a prisoner of desire,
As my heart burns with a passion I can't help but admire.

So I'll continue this dance, this push and pull,
Torn between keeping my distance and giving in, in full.
For as much as I try, I cannot escape your spell,
Your eyes, they ensnare me, a love story to tell.

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