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Amidst the ink and parchment, I bid adieu,
To a love once cherished, now fading from view.
With a heavy heart and eyes turned damp,
I surrender to fate, like a flickering lamp.

Your presence, a beacon, in my poetic night,
Guiding my words with its ethereal light.
But now, as I lay down my pen to rest,
I release the ache in my weary chest.

No longer shall I dwell in the shadows of past,
Nor cling to memories that cannot last.
For the time has come to bid farewell,
To the love that once rang like a bell.

So here I stand, with my white flag unfurled,
Ready to embrace a new, unfettered world.
Though our story ends, the echoes remain,
In every verse, in every refrain.

Thank you for the muse, the inspiration divine,
For the love we shared, in rhythm and rhyme.
As I close this chapter, let peace unfurl,
I raise my white flag, and bid adieu to this whirl.

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