Chapter 20: The Heeler's Last Goodbye???

Start from the beginning

Simon: Well I do have a name for the game and the name I thought of is Jump Over The Ball Without Getting Touched I know it's not a great name for good but I can't think of a better name. *Bluey then hears Simon's game name and responds to him in an honest tone* Bluey: You're right Simon it's not the best name for a game, but at least you try to put all the effort into thinking of the game name. "When Chilli hears about Simon's game idea from his childhood and the name he thought of she then goes over to Simon and says to him while hugging him and comforting him." Chilli: It's true I agree with Bluey on that, that it's not the most creative name for this game, but I will say this the fact you thought of your own game and had a great time playing this game shows how creative you really can be, but in your defence Simon trying to think of a name for something like a game characters music or even a book can be hard I can in sure you that you will have a great name for whatever you working it on it just takes time Simon so try and be patient it will all pay off. "When Simon heard Chilli telling him the truth and giving him the advice he then cheered up and was happy he then said back to Chilli while hugging her back." Simon: Aww thank you Chilli that does mean a lot to me and thank you for giving me advice and re sure in me that I will think of names for things I definitely try that. *Chilli then responded to Simon* Chilli: You're welcome Simon anyways should we all go and play that game of yours? "Then Simon thinks about Chilli's question and then responds to her while laughing." Simon: Oh yeah we should probably should. *Simon and Chilli then break away from the hug and* "Then The Heeler family and Simon begin to leave the kitchen and then they reach the stairs and go downstairs after the Heeler family and Simon had reached downstairs Simon then grabs a ball." *Time jump and Simon, and the Heeler family all have made it outside in the backyard and make themselves move towards the trampoline* "When they have reached the trampoline Chilli has a question so she says to Simon in a casual tone." Chilli: Simon how many lives will we all have for this game? *Simon then thinks about Chilli's question and then responds to her* Simon: Yeah in this game we all have 3 lives each once I begin the game we have to make sure the ball doesn't touch us. "Once Simon and the Heeler family have got in the trampoline then the Heeler family then stand at the back of the trampoline waiting for Simon to place the ball in the middle of the trampoline." "Then Simon makes it over to the middle of the trampoline places the ball in the middle and stands back of the trampoline." "So the ball then begins to roll and the Heelers and Simon notice the ball has begun to roll Simon and the Heeler family wonder who the ball is going after." *Bluey then sees how close the ball is getting to her so she gets ready to jump* "When the ball gets close enough to Bluey so she can jump Bluey then jumps, and the ball touches her." *Timeskip and now this is how it is Bluey has still got 2 lives left Bandit has 1 life left because let's just say he was overconfident that he would win Bingo still have 3 lives left Simon and Chilli both have tied up with Bingo with 3 lives* *Timeskip and after the long game of Jump Over The Ball Without Getting Touched they was a last person standing and the winner is... Chilli and Bingo* "When Chilli and Bingo win the game Simon, Bluey, and Bandit then say to the winners." Simon: Well done Chilli and Bingo. Bluey: Well done Mum and Bingo. Bandit: Well done babe and Bingo. "As the Heeler family and Simon had fun suddenly Simon gets a notification from his phone so he takes his phone out of his pocket and reads the notification." Simon reading: It looks like you and the heelers all had fun but as you can tell by the notification it's time for you to leave the Bluey universe I will give you time for you to say your goodbyes before you leave the Bluey universe. "Bluey and Bingo both noticed that Simon is looking at his phone so they say to him." Bluey and Bingo: Simon are you alright did you get something important?

"Simon then stops looking at his phone and begins to put it away and then looks at heeler family and then says to them." Simon: I just got a notification from my phone telling me it's time for me to leave "When Bluey and Bingo heard that it was time for Simon to leave they then responded to him while being sad and disappointed." Bluey and Bingo: Ohh I don't want you to leave. *Timeskip and Simon got his bag and brought it with him and when he came back to the backyard he saw a clear portal showing his bedroom* "Chilli and Bandit see that portal is open and waiting for Simon so they go over to Simon and then says to him in a happy but sad tone." Chilli: Wow it's true the portal is here it was good having you here Simon I hope you can return to us soon. "Bandit then agrees with his wife and then says to Simon as well." Bandit: I didn't even believe at first that notification told you it was your time to leave but we enjoyed having you here mate please make a return to us as soon as you can. "Simon then looks at Chilli and Bandit and says to them in a causal and sad tone." Simon: Thank you for having me and making me feel welcome and yes I will return here again. "Bluey and Bingo then begin to cry because they don't want to say goodbye to Simon because they see him as their best friend so Simon goes over to Bluey and Bingo and gets to their level and hugs them." "Simon then says to Bluey and Bingo while still giving them a hug and comforting them." Simon: It's alright Bluey and Bingo I will make a return to see yous again. "When Bluey and Bingo heard Simon say he will make a return they then said to Simon while still crying and being sad." Bluey and Bingo: Do you promise that you will return and see us again? *Simon then smiles at the girls, nods his head, and then says to them to ensure them* Simon: Yes I promise you it won't be our last time seeing each other. *Time jumps and Simon, Bluey and Bingo have broken from the hug Simon puts his bag on and then begins to walk towards the portal home once Simon has reached the portal he stops and looks at the Heeler family and then says goodbye and waves goodbye to them." Simon: Bye Chilli, Bandit, Bluey and Bingo see you again soon. "Then the Heeler family waves goodbye and says back to him." Chilli: Bye Simon see you soon. Bandit: See you later mate. Bluey and Bingo: Bye Simon we are glad to be friends with you and can't wait to see you again. *Simon then walks into the portal and the portal behind him in the backyard then disappears* *Meanwhile in the next scene we cut to Simon's bedroom, and the green portal opens up Simon comes out of the green portal then the green portal then disappears after Simon left the green portal* "Meanwhile back in backyard Bluey Bingo Bandit and Chilli see that Simon is now gone back home." "So then Chilli and Bandit then say to their kids while being happy." Chilli and Bandit: Come on girls last person to make it back inside is a rotten egg. "Then Bluey Bingo Chilli and Bandit all begin to run to make it inside."

The End???

Authors note: Hello everyone I just want to say thank you for supporting my book it means a lot I hope you enjoyed my book series if you do, please consider leaving a vote and comment with your thoughts and comment if you would like to see another series. 


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