Chapter 11: Trixie family getting to know more about Simon

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"When Trixie asked Simon what county Simon was from," Simon then responds to Trixie's question.

Simon: "Well, to answer your question, Trixie, I'm from England."

Trixie responds to Simon about what country he's from: "Wow, England is a lovely country."

Simon then responds to Trixie: "Thank you, Trixie."

"Trixie then wanted to ask Simon another question." Trixie: "So Simon, can you tell me about yourself, like your hobbies and personality?"

Simon then responded to Trixie, agreeing to tell Trixie about himself: "Sure, my name is Simon, and I'm 20 years old and a YouTuber. My personality is kind, caring, patient, empathetic, and stubborn."

Stripe and Trixie are getting to understand Simon more.

"Stripe then asked the last question to Simon." Stripe: "So Simon, as you are the only human here, I meant to ask how you landed here."

Simon then responds to Stripe's question while looking confused about how exactly he landed in Bluey Universe: "Personally, I don't really know how I landed here. That's why I'm trying to find out so I can get home. But I do remember what I was doing before I got here."

"Trixie and Stripe then said to Simon." Trixie and Stripe: "I'm sure we will find a way to get you back home, mate."

Simon smiled about him finding a way back home, so he responded to Trixie and Stripe: "Thank you for that, Stripe and Trixie. I'm sure I will find a way back home. I just need to keep on trying."

"Trixie then asked Simon about what he was doing before he landed in their world." Trixie: "What did you do before you got here?"

Simon then responds to Trixie's question: "Well, on Monday at 3 in the morning, I was on the phone and had YouTube in the background. Then, at 3:25 am, I turned off my phone and TV and went to sleep. Then, when I woke up, I saw I was in a different place, and then I realized I was in Brisbane, Australia. Then I saw I was in Bluey's backyard, and then I heard a male dog's voice. That's when I realized it was Bandit, aka Big Fella."

"When Bandit and Stripe heard Simon referring to Bandit as Big Fella, they chuckled." Bandit then said to Simon: "Oh my, not you two. I already have to hear it from my daughters Bluey and Bingo calling me Big Fella, but I find it funny that you just mentioned me as Big Fella out of the blue."

Stripe then said to Simon: "Oh, my stop, it had to be the most hilarious thing I have heard today. Well done, mate."

Meanwhile, with Bluey, Bingo, Muffin, and Socks, they are in the playroom. Muffin said to Bluey in an energetic tone: "Bluey, what game are we going to play?"

Bluey then responds to Muffin in an energetic tone: "How about we all play Hotel?"

Muffin, Socks, and Bingo all agreed to play Hotel. Muffin then has a plan of adding a twist to the game Hotel so she doesn't tell the rest because she wants to make it a surprise. Muffin then said to Bluey and Bingo: "Right Bluey and Bingo, you go ahead and get everything set up, and I get myself ready to play as a guest for the hotel."

Bluey and Bingo said to Muffin: "OK Muffin, we will get everything ready for this hotel game." Muffin then goes to outfit to dress up as grouchy granny. Muffin is now all dressed up for a grouchy granny. When Muffin comes back, she sees that Bluey, Bingo, and Socks have all finished setting up the hotel. Bluey then grabs the lightish-pink laundry basket, turns it upside down, and places it down on the top of the stairs. Then Bluey sits down on the book being like the receptionist. Muffin then gets her bag, takes it, and goes up the stairs until she stops when she gets close enough to be served by Bluey. Bluey then said to Bingo: "Aww look Bingo, we have a guest."

Bingo then said to Bluey in a happy hyper tone: "I want to be a crazy pillow!"

Then Bluey changed her facial expression to not agreeing with Bingo and said to Bingo while pointing her finger at Bingo: "No, you're the crazy hotel helper."

Bingo then was sad that she couldn't be a crazy pillow so she said to Bluey: "Ah but I want to be a crazy pillow, not a crazy hotel helper."

Then Muffin said while playing the role of grouchy granny: "Are you going to hurry up!! I have been waiting here for ages for my room but I have to hear the receptionist and hotel helper arguing, man you can't get the staff these days!" Muffin then taps the bell which is Bingo's head. When Muffin tapped the bell, Bingo then said in a screaming tone: "Ding!!!"

Then Muffin, which is Gladys being a grouchy granny, said to Bluey the receptionist: "Your bell needs to be a lot quieter; you could have hurt my old ears."

Bluey the receptionist said to the grouchy granny: "Oh sorry about that, we will call someone over to fix the volume of the bell."

Gladys then said to the receptionist: "Good and hurry it up because I want to have a room."

Bluey then goes into the kitchen where Chilli, Bandit, Trixie, Stripe, and Simon are. Bandit, Chilli, and Simon all notice Bluey coming into the living room. Bandit and Chilli both said to Bluey: "Hello Bluey, what's up?"

Bluey then said to her mum and dad: "Hi Mum and Dad and I'm doing good but me, Bingo, Socks, and Muffin are playing Hotel and we need someone to fix the bell volume. So can you mum or dad come and help?"

Chilli and Bandit then respond to Bluey's question. Chilli: "Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm speaking with your Uncle Stripe, Aunt Trixie, Simon, and your dad." Bandit: "Yeah, sorry mate, but you could ask Simon to help you out. I'm sure he doesn't mind helping you out, Bluey."

Bluey responds to her parents in a disappointing and understanding tone: "Oh ok, I understand Mum and Dad. I will go and ask Simon to help me out."

Chilli then quickly kisses Bluey to make her feel better. Bluey then smiled and wagged her tail to show that she was happy, so she said to her mum: "Thank you, Mum, for cheering me up."

Chilli then responds to her daughter in a happy understanding tone: "You're welcome, Bluey."

Bluey then goes to Simon. Bluey then asks Simon: "Hey Simon, can you come and help me with fixing the bell's volume?"

Simon then smiled and was happy to help out Bluey, so he said to her: "Sure, I come to help you out Bluey."

Bluey then wagged her tail to show how happy she was. Simon and Bluey then leave the living room and go to the top of the stairs. Then when Bluey and Simon arrive, Muffin as Gladys says to Bluey: "It's about time you arrive, I have been waiting for ages for my room. I got a sore back; is this how you treat your guests?!"

Bluey then responds to Gladys: "We are very sorry about that; we were just getting someone to fix the bell volume for you."

Gladys then said to Simon: "What are you waiting for; go on fix the bell."

Simon then responds to Gladys: "My, for a granny, you are very grouchy." Gladys then hits Simon with her handbag. Gladys then responded to Simon while using her handbag: "That's what you get for talking back to me, Sonny!"

Simon then fixes the bell volume. Simon then gives a test tap on Bingo's head. Bingo then said with a much better bell volume: "Ding."

Simon then said to Bluey: "There you go, Bluey, much better now."

Bluey then responds to Simon: "Thank you, Simon, for your help."

Simon then responds to Bluey: "You're welcome, Bluey." Simon then goes back to the living room.

To be continued...

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