Chapter 14: Simon Playing As Hotel Chef

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*When Simon made it to Bluey and Bingo Playroom, he set up a mini kitchen for himself to work at* *When Simon has finished setting up the mini kitchen, he then waits for Bluey* *Meanwhile with Bluey she's at the top of the stairs while sitting down on the book pretending to do some work on the computer* "Meanwhile in Muffin hotel room get's the cardboard phone and starts to phone reception." *Bluey then hears Muffin, making the noise of a phone ringing so Bluey picks up her phone, which is a cardboard phone and answers the call says on the line* Bluey: Hi this is Bluey the receptionist. How can I help you? "Muffin who is still playing as Gladys, the grouchy granny says on the cardboard phone." Muffin: I would like burger chips and orange juice and be quick. *Bluey then knew that Muffin was still playing as Gladys, the moody granny, so she said while writing down the order on the paper.' Bluey: Ok Gladys, we will try and bring your order to you as quickly as possible, but it will take time to cook. "Gladys then responded to Bluey in a grouchy and un-patient tone." Muffin: Well, good, you better hurry it up!!. *Once Bluey finishes on the phone to Gladys, she then gets up from her seat takes the piece of paper with Muffin's order and goes downstairs and goes to the playroom* *Once Bluey has made it to the playroom she then says to Simon in an energetic tone* Bluey: Right mate we got our first order, it's for Gladys aka Muffin in room 101. *Then Simon from his mini kitchen looked at Bluey and said to her in a calm but excited tone* Simon: Ok Bluey, what did Gladys want to order? "Bluey then responded to Simon's question." Bluey: She said she wanted burger chips and orange juice. "Simon then responded to Bluey." Simon: Ok Bluey mate, I will get on that as soon as possible. *Bluey then says ok to Simon and starts to leave and going back to her reception desk* *Simon then starts to get the fry pan and pretends to use beef for the burger and also pretends to put cooking oil into the frying pan* *Simon then place the pretend beef burger patty on the frying pan to start to cook it* *While Simon waits for it to cook Bluey then goes does some work on the pretend computer while waiting for the food to be ready* *Once Simon sees that the pretend burger patty is ready he then use the pretend spatula to get it out of the frying pan* *Simon then place the patty on bottom of the bun*
*Once Simon finishes with the burger and chips and puts the orange juice on the counter of the mini kitchen,  he hits the pretend bell and shouts out* Simon: Bluey!!! The burger and the chips are ready. "Once Bluey heard Simon's voice, she then coke down the stairs and made it into the playroom and went up to the kitchen counter. She took the burger,  chips, and orange juice and said to Simon." Bluey: Thanks, Simon. I go and give it to Gladys right away. *Bluey then goes up the stairs with the burger chips and orange juice and goes to Muffin's hotel room and knocks on the door* "Muffin then heard the knock on the door and got up from the bed to open the door." *Muffin opens the door* "Once Muffin opened the door, she then saw Bluey the receptionist with the burger and chips." "Once the door was Bluey, then said to Muffin while holding the burger, chips, and orange juice." Bluey: Here you are, Gladys. *Bluey then hands over the burger chips and orange juice to Muffin* "Muffin then said to Bluey while putting it down on the bed." Gladys: About time I have been waiting for ages for my meal. "Bluey then responded to Muffin. Bluey: Well, it takes time to get it all cooked, Gladys. *Bluey then left Muffin's hotel room and made it back to her reception desk* "While Bluey is at her reception desk on the computer doing some work, her cardboard phone starts to ring." *Bluey then picks up the cardboard phone and says on the phone. * Bluey: Hello, this is Bluey from reception. How can I help you? "On the other line is Socks and then Socks says on the cardboard phone." Socks: Hello Bluey, can I have a pizza and apple juice? "Bluey then said on the cardboard phone." Bluey: Ok, Socks, I can get that done for you. What would you like on your pizza? "Socks then said to Bluey what she wanted on her pizza." Socks: I would like just a cheese pizza, please. *Bluey then says to Socks on the cardboard phone while writing down the order for Socks order* Bluey: Alright Socks, we will get your pizza made for you. *Once Socks said thanks to Bluey and hung up the phone call* "Bluey then gets up from her reception desk and makes her way to the playroom." *When Simon saw her enter the playroom and come towards to the counter of the mini kitchen, Simon said to her* Simon: Hey blue mate, I take it we got another order. *Bluey then looked at Simon and said to him in a happy tone* Bluey: Yes, we got another order, and this one for Socks. "Simon then responded to Socks." Simon: Alright, what did Socks order?
*Bluey then responded to Simon's question about what Socks ordered: Bluey: Socks ordered a cheese pizza, that's all. *Simon then said to Bluey, ok Bluey, I will get on it now. Then Simon begins to get the pretend dough and starts to make the pretend pizza* *Meanwhile in Bingo's hotel room, she's drawing on paper, and she fancies something to eat so she gets her cardboard phone and calls reception* "Bluey then hears Bingo making the phone calling noises and she knows that Bingo is calling reception." *Bluey picks up the cardboard phone and says onto the cardboard phone*
Bluey: Hello, this is Bluey, the receptionist here. How can I help you? "Bingo then responds to Bluey's question." Bingo: Hi Bluey, I would like to place an order. "Bluey then says to Bingo on the cardboard phone.
Bluey: Ok Bingo, what would you like to order? "Bingo then responds to Bluey's question about what she wants to order." Bingo: I would like some Edamame beans, please. "Bluey then responded to Bingo on the cardboard phone while writing down the order for Bingo."
Bluey: So you want Edamame beans? Is there anything else you want with the Edamame beans? *Bingo then responded to Bluey's question on the cardboard phone* Bingo: No, that will be all thank you, Bluey. *Bluey then said to Bingo, you're welcome, Bingo, and I will go and get your Edamame beans.* *Bluey then hangs up the call after the conversation has ended, then she gets up from her desk and walks into the living room where Chilli, Bandit, Stripe, and Trixie are sitting on the couch having a chat.* "Bluey then entered the living room and said to Mum.* Bluey: Mum can Bingo have some Edamame beans, please? "When Chilli heard Bluey if Bingo could have some Edamame beans to eat." *Chilli then thinks about it and then says to Bluey* Chilli: Yeah, sure, you can honey, you can have some to eat as well Bluey. "Chilli then also says to Bluey." Chilli: Don't forget to ask your cousins Muffin and Socks and ask Simon if he wants some as well.
*Bluey then nod her head and starts to leave the living room and makes it to the kitchen to go and get some Edamame beans* *Timeskip for when Bluey manages to get the Edamame beans she then walks to Bingo's hotel room and knocks on the door* *Bingo then answers the door and sees Bluey with the Edamame beans* "Bluey then handed over some Edamame beans and said to her." Bluey: Here you are, Bingo Edamame beans. "Bingo then said thank you to Bluey."
"Then Bluey goes to Muffin's hotel room to ask them if they want some Edamame beans. Muffin said no, thank you, but Socks said to Bluey she wants some." *Timeskip, after Bluey had given some Edamame beans to Socks, she then headed downstairs and made it to the playroom where Simon was* "When Bluey made it to the playroom she saw Simon at his mini kitchen so she went over to Simon's mini kitchen." *When Bluey made it to the mini kitchen counter, she said to Simon in a happy tone*
Bluey: Hi Simon, mate. Would you like some Edamame beans? "Simon then thinks about Bluey's question and then says back to her." Simon: Yeah sure Bluey I have some Edamame beans. I had never tried them before. "Bluey then gets out the Edamame beans and then says to Simon." Bluey: That's good that you get to try them, and they are a bit like peas, but the Edamame beans we get from the sushi train. "When Simon had a look at the edamame beans, he sees that the edamame beans do look like peas." "So Simon then said to Bluey." Simon: Awww yeah, I see what you mean by how edamame beans actually do look like peas. *Bluey then gets some edamame beans, then gives some edamame beans to Simon* "Simon then looks at Bluey and then asks her a question." Simon: So do I eat them by popping them? *Bluey then responded to Simon's question by nodding her head* *Simon, then get the edamame beans and pop them and then eat them* "Bluey then asks Simon if he likes the edamame beans." Bluey: So do you like the edamame beans Simon mate? "Simon then responded to Bluey's question." Simon: Yes, Bluey, I like the edamame beans. They were very nice. Thank you. *Bluey then said to Simon, "You're welcome, Simon."

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