4.Wtf was that ?

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After their really heavy and amazing dinner they continued their journey.Miles being too stuffed and sleepy decided that it would be best if Peter drove for the rest of the journey.The temperature was dropping and the forest was becoming more denser as they drove further deep.

They drove for about 2 hours without the any trouble.Soon they came to a intersection of 4 roads and took the left one and continued driving.

" Hey , Sandra, can you check if we are going in the right direction ? " asked Peter who was getting worried about not coming across any sign post or any stores.

" And how do you think she will be able to find that? " asked an half asleep Miles

" Yeah, Do you think she is the Map from Dora the explorer ? " mumbled Archer who was in the same state as Miles and giggled at his own joke

" That's not funny and I could be your Map if you give my phone back" said a moody Sandra whose phone was confiscated by Miles stating that she was on her phone for a long time and Sandra has been pouting like a small kid for half an hour now.

" Hey I thought it was funny too " exclaimed Miles throwing back Sandra's phone.

" You think everything is funny.You literally started laughing while telling us that our Maths teacher broke her leg by skidding off a door mat and she possibly could have had an concussion " said Zoey sarcastically.

" Umm... Peter I don't know ..... it's just .... just weird.The gps show that there is no Lonely grove anymore " said a Sandra in a confused tone

" Then try Shadowfern village " said Peter worried

" Nope no results " said Sandra after a few minutes of searching

" Maybe it's just , since this a very small village it's not updated yet or something " said Zoey trying to sound cheerful but deep inside was scared since it's been a while they came across any sign boards and worst of all , they didn't come across anybody.

" Yeah, I agree with Zoey and the only thing we could do is drive around for a while and let's turn around if we find nothing else " said Peter in a defeated tone.

" So what you are saying now is that you got us lost and it's 9:30 pm and it's winter " said Archer unbothered and continued eating his bag of chip annoying loud

" No , what I am trying to say is that we are not LOST and stop stressing me out " said an confused Peter still driving along the dirt road and keeping an eye out for road signs.

"So where exactly are we right now ? " asked Sandra.

"I am not sure but we are definitely not lost " replied an alert Peter

Suddenly an inhuman creature jumped out of nowhere onto to car's hood , scaring the shit out five friends.


" HOLD ON TO SOMETHING " yelled Peter as he struggled to get control of the car which started to spin and the car suddenly swerved off the road .

Peter applied the brake making the car to skid in an almost semicircle way and the roads were too slippery due to the snow to stop the impact. The car veered in a clockwise rotation and crashed into a hollow dead tree.The sound of shattered glass and crushed debris and the smell of burnt rubber filled the silent cloudy winter night.The hood of the car blew open with a steam of gas coming out.

" What the fuck was that ? Guys are you all okay " asked Miles in a groggy voice and gasping for air and the first one to regain from the shock

A chorus of 'I am fine ' followed as they all slowly climbed out of the car.

" Can someone explain what the HECK happened right now ? " asked Archer coughing as smoke covered around them like a blanket and he looked very pale and was shaking in the shock.

" I think it was a deer but am very glad that none of us are hurt " said Peter who had a slight nose bleeding , a headache which felt like someone was constantly pounding his head with a hammer and sat down by a ditch to stretch his legs.

" But it didn't look like a deer and , oh God, Peter your nose is bleeding " cried Zoey kneeling beside Peter to hold a cloth against his nose and she herself had a cut on her forehead.

" Thank God , we are all fine.We all saw it almost for a second so it could have been a deer.And I am not doctor but it looks like our car didn't make it " said Sandra checking her phone and shrieked when it turned on.

Everyone turned towards their car and it was an awful sight.The glass was shattered,the smoke was hissing through the engine,the car hood was damaged and a back tyre was punctured.

" Looks like we have to continue on foot " stated Peter who was looking sadly at his car which was his 17th birthday gift from his parents.

A flood of complains and protests followed mainly from Archer and Sandra though.

I really don't know how on earth are we gonna reach the cabin now.I just wish these idiots would shut up and maybe I should not have planned this trip.I feel so dumb right now , thought Peter .


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⏰ Última actualización: May 05 ⏰

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