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Today is the day that Derek shepherd is performing surgery alongside April Kepner and Callie Torres on his best friend, today won't be easy, he knows that, Meredith's angry at him, he ended up in prison, he just quit as chief and now he's in the scrub room ready to get the tumour off Scarlett's brain, he wishes he wasn't doing this, he wishes Richard chose someone else for the job but he's the most qualified neurosurgeon here and there's risks involved if they move her to Seattle Pres or another hospital, the chances she dies are very likely.

"You ok" Meredith says sitting down between Alex and Lexie.

"My fiancé is in surgery, my babies are there, she should be awake mer, it's almost been two months and there's been no sign she's waking up, she might not wake up"

"Oh she will wake up" Cristina says.

"She had bleeding on the Brain, she was shot twice and now she has a brain tumour, she's been through a lot"

"I'm just glad Derek, April, Callie and Addison are with her"

"Hey Derek don't stress ok" Addison says looking at her ex husband.

"She could die addie"

"Why does everyone think she's going to die, she's not freaking going to die" Callie says.

"My sister is not going to die, not today, not on my watch, she's a survivor"

As Lexie sits next to mark she notices his leg shaking and she places her hand on it, she knows today is going to be a big day, that women on the bed is his best friend.

"Thanks" he whispers.

"I'm here for you, you know that" she smiles and he nods just wanting this surgery to be over.

"Please don't screw this up" Amelia mumbles standing.

"Why aren't you down there" Richard asks.

"Derek doesn't want me in his OR"

Amelia gets where he's coming from, it's obvious he still hates her, but that's her best friend down there too, she should get to be able to help save Scarlett's life, two neurosurgeons are better then one but she'll just watch and wait.

"you can do this" Cristina mumbles as she keeps her eyes pealed on the women on the table.

"shes going to survive" Richard says.

"Youve got this scarlett montgomery"

"ok are we ready, addison ready"



"Ready as ill ever be"

"You've got this" Arizona whispers looking at her girlfriend.



"i cant do this, i cant watch this" Mark says getting up and rushing out.

"ok, lets do" the shepherd man says and lexie walks out also.

"hunt hey have you seen mark"

"he went that way, hows her surgery going"

"it hasnt started yet"


when lexie finds mark, hes sitting on the stairs.


"i cant watch it lexie"

"i know" she says sitting down next to him.

"im meant to go first, im meant to die first not her, shes meant to live until a hundred and have ten kids and live in a massive house, shes meant to be getting married to alex and completing her fellow with her sister, shes meant to become the future ob of this hospital, shes not meant to be laying on that bed, she shouldnt be on that bed, she cant, she cant die, i cant loose her" Mark says with tears in his eyes breaking lexies heart.

Scarletts his little sister, his best friend and lexie knows that if scarlett dies today on that table that some people will be going with her, scarletts loved by everyone espically her family.

"ugh" Amelia sighs as derek makes the first cut.

"babies ok addison"

"perfectly fine" addison says looking at her ex husband.

"your kids are good atleast"

"i need her to be ok"

"kepner, ready"

"yes sir"

"kepner dont fuck this up" Cristina says looking at the women.

"we have more of a chance at her surviving because her tumour isnt cancerous" izzie says.

After the surgery everyones still sitting in the gallery no one wants to move really.

"derek is she ok" Mark asks over the intercome and when derek looks up, he sees that they all have worried looks so he puts a thumb out and he basically can hear the sigh of relief.

"thank freaking god"

SCARLETT MONTGOMERY Where stories live. Discover now