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"What's the problem with the residents today" Bailey says as she walks into the attendings lounge and sees Callie, Richard, Owen, Arizona and mark.

"No idea, why"

"Because I just walked past Avery he looked like he was having some sort of stroke and Scarlett is acting like she has Tourette's"

"You know I always thought she did" mark says taking a sip of her coffee.

"And not to mention, Alex is acting weird today too"

"Why" Arizona says.

"Ugh" Scarlett groans plopping down next to Lexie.

"My interns suck"

"You know with the way there going there never going to past internship" Izzie says.

"I said chest pains you know what he thought of, oh maybe your pregnant, I'm not but my fiance is" Alex says.

"Mine said I was thinking about mark when I said I had a heart rate" Lexie says and Scarlett leans her head on the women's shoulder.

"I hate derek for this, hate him"

"One whole day of this, acting like children just so we can teach the interns because they have there test in a month, the attending are going to think we've gone crazy"

"We have, we went crazy when we said yes to this thing" April says sitting down next to Scarlett.

"I don't even get any surgeries, Bailey took my surgery I was meant to have with Altman"

"THIS SUCKS" Scarlett yells.

"Hey mer why don't you bribe him with sex, I hate talking about your sex life i really do but this sucks ok, i want surgeries not to be running around after interns" Cristina says.

"I've tried, we stayed up for six hours last night talking about it, scar where are you going"

"You won't talk to your damn husband I will" the brunette says walking away and Alex smirks.

When Scarlett finds Derek, she pulls him with her into an on call room.


"This sucks, you suck, your not my best friend anymore, you've turned into a monster, your not mcdreamy your mcarse, your not Derek Christopher shepherd, your Derek bastard shepherd, you know when you became chief I had my doubts but then I thought you might be decent but this is not decent shepherd, this is something mark would do, not you, I'm four months pregnant, almost I don't want to be chasing around interns, I want to be doing surgeries because In a few months I'm going to be on maternity leave and I have to study for my boards and do my fellowship, which my sister is still trying to talk me into doing all three, I have a wedding to plan and god knows what else is going to happen between now and the time I become an attending, what I'm saying Derek is I've known you since the minute I was born and when I was younger I always thought of you as Prince Charming, I don't know why I just did, your sweet and kind, your bloody mcdreamy ok your the man everyone wants to bring home to there Mum's because your the perfect man but this, this is bullshit, this needs to end, the interns can study themselves, I did, well I helped Alex a little and Lexie but that's not the point, why do we need to help them when all they do is just be mean to us all day and think they run this hospital" Scarlett rants and Derek is trying so hard not to laugh.

"Ok" he chuckles.


"It'll end"

"YES, I LOVE YOU, YOUR THE BEST" she squeals jumping up and down.


"Get mark to do it, YOUR AMAZING I LOVE YOU AS CHIEF, DEREK SHEPHERD IS AMAZING" she yells walking out.

"You good scar" mark says walking up to the girl alongside Callie.


"What was that about"

"I kinda made the resident teach interns and she's got the attitude of her sister and it's ten times worse now she's pregnant and I'm not messing with a pregnant Scarlett Montgomery"

When Scarlett gets to the basement there all still sitting there.

"He didn't listen did he, I told you he wouldn't"

"Yang if you still want your surgery with Altman id run now if I was you"


"Derek shepherd was not going to mess with a pregnant women"

"Oh my god, ok I'm going" Cristina says rushing away.

"No wonder he gave in, not even I want to mess with you and I love you"

"Oh ew" April groans.

"Just cause your not getting any apes"

"Please don't call me that al"

"Hey scar is the only one who can call me that"

"I should go, see if anyone needs my help" Jackson says walking off.

"Yeah I'm going, I'm getting some coffee"

"Yeah I'll come with you"

"Do we really gross you guys out" Scarlett says looking at Lexie and April who are still sat.

"Yes" both women say getting up and walking away. 

"Hey where not that bad everyone's just jealous" he smiles putting his arms around her and kissing her neck.

"Where hot, they should be jealous"

"They've been jealous since the moment we first got together"

"Well one person has been"

"Oh god"

"You and I both know it's true" she says.

"Ok I admit I liked Izzie and even Lexie but I'm with you now, this time I'm all in, no one can ever take me away from you"

"That's what I like to hear" she says as her pager goes off.

Arizona Robbins - 911 - ROOM 893

"I gotta go, I'll see you at lunch fiancé"

"I love you fiance"

"I love you too" she says kissing him before leaving him.

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