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"Morning karev" Callie says walking into the man's room.

"Where is she, where's Scarlett"

"She's um"

"I want to see her"

"I want you to see her I really do but you can't"

"Why not, she's my fiance, she's pregnant with my kid"

"Scarlett's in the icu"


"She's in the icu, there where some complications in surgery, she also has a decent amount of fluid on her left side of her brain as for your child, they seem to be doing well, doctor Montgomery, came down last night and this morning placed a tube inside Scarlett's stomach to help the baby eat, so far it's going good"

"When will I be able to see her"

"When your discharged, you also need to get the bullet out of you"

"I'm not doing that until I see my fiance"

"Look unfortunately I'm not here as a doctor but as a visitor but I know that scar would want you to get that bullet out of your chest before your baby came into this world"

"How are they"

"You want to see" Callie says opening her bag.


"Here, that is your very healthy baby"

"Wow, there growing aren't they"

"Sure are, but just because your in here doesn't mean Scarlett doesn't have people, Addison and mark will not leave her room, we've got time off and what mark is doing is spending his time going between Scarlett and Derek's rooms"

"How is Derek"

"He's good, he's fully awake now, worried about scar though"

"Remember the last time she got shot"

"Yes but it's not something I want to remember"

"She didn't wake up for a month"

"The doctors are doing everything they can to keep her alive ok"

Meanwhile in Scarlett's room, Jackson is sitting on the chair whilst Lexie is sitting on the edge of the bed.

"She looks beautiful, even though she's in a coma" Jackson says holding Scarlett's hand.

"She's Scarlett Montgomery, that women always looks beautiful, she can do beautiful in her sleep, I'm just jealous a man like Alex got her, I didn't think she was into the frat bad boy type"

"You know when the merger happened I spent that first day trying to get with her but everything always led back to him, she loves him, she always will"

"Even when there broken up she loved him, he's her soulmate, he's the Romeo to her Juliet"

"I was more thinking the Adam to her Eve"

"Ha that works too and thanks"


"For going with her, in the ambulance I mean"

"I couldn't let her die"

"Who are you here to see"

"Scarlett Montgomery"

"Oh um there's already two people in there"

"Who" Alex asks from his wheelchair.

"I can go find out"

"Ok" Callie says watching the man walk away.

"Hello sorry to interrupt but there's two people wanting to see Scarlett"

"Oh it must be Alex, mark said he'd come up in see her"

"Yeah we'll go, so he can have some time with her, I love you scar" Lexie says kissing the women's head before leaving and Jackson kisses her hand.

When the pair walk outside, they see Callie and Alex.

"How is she" Callie asks.

"No change" Lexie says.

"Can I go see her now" Alex asks.

"Yeah let's go" Callie says wheeling the wheelchair.

"Though you should be aware, the girl in that bed looks nothing like the Scarlett we know"

"Callie I don't care what she looks like, she always looks beautiful, but I just need to see, I just need to talk to her, I just need to hold her hand" Alex admits.

Callie smiles when he hears that because she realises that Alex does actually care for Scarlett and he always has, he's the one person apart from Derek and mark at Seattle grace who sticks up for her in any situation, when she looks at them, she wishes that's what her and Arizona are like. Scarlett and Alex had the life they both dreamed of, they where engaged and they have a baby on the way, there life was perfect and now this, the shooting could change everything.

"Alright are you ready"


"Alright" Callie says opening the curtain.

When Alex looks at his fiance, his heart stops, he doesn't know where to look or what to do, she shouldn't look like this.

"Can you give me some time"

"Yeah sure, I'll be in the waiting room if you need anything" the Torres women says walking out and Alex wheels his wheelchair closer to her and holds her hand.

"I thought from the last time that I'd be use to seeing you like this, but you somehow know how to surprise me every time don't you. You know, your going to survive this, where going to be ok, sorry that's a lie, its something I tell myself to not fall apart, scar, babe I need you to wake up, I need you to open your eyes and start talking, we had this whole life planned a week ago, we where going to get married at the beach and we where going to have a kid, we where going to become the power couple of seattle grace, but now I don't know when any of those things are going to happen or if there going to happen, you need to wake up, you just need to because I don't know if im going to survive this time"

"im sorry to interrupt but are the father"


"do twins run in any of your families"


"your expecting twins"

"oh my god"


"are they ok, are they healthy"

"yes our ob team here are doing everything they can to keep them alive"

"and my fiancé hows she"

"there hasn't been any change, weve slowed down her medication because we could tell she was having seizures"


"yes but unfourtanely we cant really do anything till she wakes up"

"is there a chance she will wake up"

"yes, right now though its a fifty fifty"


Later that night, when Addison walks into her sisters room, her heart melts at the sight of Alex sitting next to Scarlett, holding her hand and resting his head on the bed.

SCARLETT MONTGOMERY Where stories live. Discover now