⦻ Backstory ⦻

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(A/N: Hello, this is the backstory of Redstringer. You may skip this if you wish, however, it will be mentioned later on in the story and be important to remember. I made this backstory quite vague, but more info and flashbacks will be added as the story progresses. So I recommend reading to avoid confusion and/or inconvenience, thank you.)


(Name)'s transformation to wielding and manipulating blood began at the young age of seventeen. Before her transition to the life of killing and living with the creepypastas, (Name) was pretty much like any other kid. She attended a local school in her small village, and in fact, she was a fantastic student. Her brain worked sharper and faster than the other children in the village, and her IQ was much higher in comparison also.

Because of this, her mother and father were profoundly proud of their little girl, hopeful that her future would come easy and effortless with her knowledge and ability to learn quickly. They had a lot of faith in their little girl. (Name) seemed to get along with the children in the village. Every day after school, they would walk home together, get delicious snacks from the local village store. It was fun going to school and coming home, the village itself was fortunately safe, so the parents of the children never seemed to be worried when they would play outside. The village was really small and secluded, so not a ton of people lived here, and other than the community and the houses, it was all just fields or farms, and a massive forest nearby.

(Name) had a need for symmetry and balance. The need for numbers to be even, the need for her mother's kiss on the left cheek to also be planted on her right. The need to count every tile on the bathroom floor once, then twice to make sure she was correct. And if somebody dared to interrupt her, she would begin to sob. That heavy pit in her stomach would drop and she would begin to cry out of pure frustration. Sleeping was also a chore for her, difficult to complete, she never wanted to sleep, she just wanted to constantly be outside, running around freely and without care, playing, even if it was by herself. (Name)'s energy never seemed to die out, and it seriously worried her parents. Though they didn't really do anything to help. They just let her be in her own little world, her own little head.

Hallucinations also became evident in her as she got older, talking to things that weren't there, or spacing out whilst staring at the most gruesome and absurd hallucination. It all began so suddenly and without a cause. But she never told her parents. She would erupt into these strange and aggressive coughing fits, rarely coughing up her own metallic blood. Headaches and migraines filling her life at random points in the weeks passing by.

Until it happened. (Name) was lazily sat on her window sill in her nicely decorated bedroom, humming a strange song to herself. Then, she saw it. The thing.

The tall man, staring right back at her with its lacking eyes. Her heart dropped and she had never been startled like this in her whole life. Cold, electrifying fear ran at a hundred miles per hour through her entire body, lava hot iron coursing through her blue veins. But not once did it cross her mind to tell her parents. She quickly jumped under her bed, shaking violently out of what her eyes just witnessed, it was all she could do. She had gotten so startled that she didn't get out under her bed once during the night and slept there. Only to realize she was safe once it was morning. But for some reason, that 'hallucination' didn't feel like a hallucination. That thing had a feel to it. It was there. Staring at her. There was no way it wasn't there for real.

(Name) swore she could see that tall thing everywhere. In her peripheral vision. She could sense it right behind her all day. Following her and watching her every muscle move and every breath hitch.

Five days passed, of her just doing her everyday hobbies and chores, going to school, trying to ignore the seemingly harmless figure following her every move. Tomorrow she would be seventeen, so she wanted to make her last day being sixteen a fun one at least. Despite the recent, terrifying hallucinations of that faceless figure in the black suit.

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