The Trouble Begins

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After getting used to the his self made schedule Ren was feeling confident and comfortable with how his school life was going, but that wouldn't last long as patrols seemed to have gotten a little bit harder

School was decently easy for Ren, aside from the class that focused on abilities by themselves, so he was doing fine there. He still hadn't made any friends aside from one of his energetic classmates

The real problem was the fact that the city soldiers had caught on to the missing funds they had been losing. In response to that they started sending extra patrol to collect taxes, but this didn't stop Ren from doing his own patrol

'Even though they added the extra security it seems like they still haven't figured out where the funds have actually been going' Ren made a fair assumption based on the fact that they aren't taxing any extra to the low tiers

As Ren was doing the usual patrol he couldn't help himself and continued the stealing and returning of taxes. Everything was going well...... Until, he had gotten to the last low tier house that was to be taxed

Just as he was taking the money from the cart it seems like they had been informed to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, as they seemed to see a couple of coins floating in the air

"Hey! He's here!!" One of the guards yelled, and at that all the guards were on the move searching for Ren 'Ah Shit! I knew I should've waited!' He thought before running off using his ability to speed himself up

Before Ren could escape "He's up here!" 3 guards had found him 'I don't like doing this but..... Nows not the time to think' Ren had used his ability to take some nitroglycerin out of a vile and tossed it towards the guards, after the nitroglycerin was where he wanted he took a match, lit it and tossed it to where the nitroglycerin was floating to cause an explosion

'I hope their still alive' Ren using the sound and smoke from the explosion to get out of the guards sight "Hey! Are you guys okay! Whats going on up there !" "Captain! 3 of our guards have been found unconscious!"

"HOLY SHIT!" Ren had arrived at his dorm room after an exhausting day, well night I guess, 'How did I get away with that? You know what, I don't care, I'm too tired for this' Ren wanted to get a little bit of sleep before school starts

After getting a couple hours of sleep Ren barely managed to get out of bed and head to school and dragged himself to class "Hey Suzuki-san! Have you heard about what happened last night?" "Oh Tanaka-chan, what did I tell you? You don't have to use honorifics" "Yeah yeah, but have you heard of the new vigilante?" "No?" " Apparently it's said that he took out 3 mid tier guards in one attack!"

'Wow, The word sure spreads fast' Ren thought as he was about to fall asleep "Good morning Saito-kun" "Oh, hey Adachi-kun" "You look like you've been having trouble sleeping" "Nah I always look like this" The fellow talking to Ren was Haru Adachi a high tier with tha ability of fire manipulation, at first Ren distanced himself from the class, but theres always one person who always tries to befriend everyone, and that person was Adachi

He got along with almost everyone in the class "Just let me get some sleep and I'll be fine" "If you say so" 'I wonder how far the word about me has spread? This entire thing is too much for me to care about' Ren had tried to ignore the situation he was put in but he just couldn't get it out of his head, mainly due to one classmate

Aoi Tanaka, another elite tier that had the ability elemental bow, she kept on bringing it up to her friend and proclaimed next hero, Chiyo Suzuki who was an elite tier thats ability was named materialization, calling her hero was not far fetched as only a handful of elite tiers existed

Tanaka kept bringing up the mysterious vigilante over and over again, she even tried to convince Suzuki to try and catch him, a horrifying thought for Ren "Come on! I know you could catch him easily!" "A no is a no Tanaka" "But-" "I think I could beat him myself too, but it's not my job to. Imagine how the people would react if a school student had to step in?" "I guess" Tanaka had finally retreated

'Thank god! I couldn't focus at all with them talking about me behind my back!' Ren had enough of the all the talking because that made him actually have to think about what he's going to do later tonight, which he did not like doing

'So what am I going to do about later tonight? Even though I don't want to think about it I kind of have to have a plan now that the city is gonna be on me' Ren was deep in thought about what to do "I know you want me to stop talking about it but... how long do you think he's gonna last?" "Hm? Ah, considering he took out 3 mid tiers he has to be at least a high tier"


"Well, taking that into consideration they'll probably send a couple mid tiers before sending in a high tier or two, I reckon thats where he stops" "I guess your right, but what if he doesn't?" "We'll just have to wait and find out then I guess, now stop talking about it" "Fine"

'Something tells me tonight might not go down well' Ren thought trying to conceive a plan

(YIPEEE, another part down :) I like making this story 👍)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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