Learning A Schedule

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After getting all the sleep he could Ren got up for a tiring day of school, yesterday he had learned what classes he had. His classes consist of History, Science, Math, Tactics, Combat training (No powers) and Ability training (Only powers). The classes that Ren was most interested in are Science and Tactics

'Let's just get this day over with' Ren was too tired for school. In history they learn about past wars between countries and past leaders even their abilities, for science they learnt about how mana channels work in the body, Math was well..... math, Tactics talked all about how you could use your ability and also your surroundings to help your ability as well

But the most interesting class were the ones that focused on combat as from the regular combat training you could tell who's ability focused on strength or weapons and who's ability was more of a ranged or power focused such as comparing an ability focused on close combat like Slow Sight to a Power focused ability like Fire Manipulation

Speaking of abilities during the Ability Training Ren decided to look at the rest of the class and do a bit of analyzing, especially the High tiers and up, 'From what I can tell Tanaka's ability let's her summon a bow that contains different arrows based on the element she wants, Nakamura's Slow Sight allows him to slow down enemies or objects within his eyesight, Adachi's Fire Manipulation allows him to summon flame balls or even make a flame whip' Ren was trying his best to analyze

'But I just can't wrap my head around the elites ability' Ren was struggling due to a complicated ability 'From what I can tell Suzuki's Materialization allows here to create things from the surrounding areas but she can also make barriers appear from nowhere? Agh it's too complicated! And aren't Elite tiers supposed to have a passive ability as well? I'm never figuring this out' Ren continued to struggle

Classes were almost over and still nobody's really approached him, that was probably due too him being a Low tier but he is basically a Mid tier, is what Ren would usually say

With classes over and Ren trying to get used to the schedule he also has another schedule to get used to as even though he may be exhausted he still continues his patrols at night. Ren had decided that he would leave for patrol after taking a break from his classes and he also decided that he would "try" to make it back to the dorms at 2 Am so he could get in 5 hours of sleep

The only noticeable difference from the past patrols he did before school were the areas that he visited first, usually he would start from the outside of the city and work his way inside due to where the orphanage was located, but now he goes from the in to out. The school was placed perfectly in the center so it made getting around a little bit easier 

The usual sightings could be seen while on patrol, people walking at night, strange deals and at last, tax collecting. Tax collection was usually rough on the low tiers as they were regularly treated poorly, after a while Ren had gotten used to their schedule while doing his nightly patrol

Ren didn't like the taxing of course but there wasn't much he could do about it personally. There was no way he would stand up to the city's mid tier soldiers, but there was a way to help them just a bit, Ren would use his ability and take only a small portion of what was taken and simply gave it back to the people it was taken from

Most of the time he only did this for low tiers because they are taxed an unfair amount but sometimes he would help out mid tiers that had children. The High tiers didn't need any help whatsoever, which is understandable.

"I really got to do these patrols earlier" Ren was once again tired as he arrived at the dorms at a stunning 2:30 AM 'I wonder if I'm ever going to get used to this?' With a new home and also having to figure out a new route during patrol, Ren was having trouble getting used to the new situation he was put in as he drifted to sleep knowing he would only get a couple hours of sleep before having to wake up again

(Another one whooo! The next chapter is finally when things start to get interesting I promise :) I hope you enjoy this little story of mine because I enjoy writing it and making up the concept of an entire new story)

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