Nightmare (1/1)

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"Ishan, can you please stop your movie? It's way past twelve. I wanna sleep." Shubman said, annoyed by his bestfriend watching a movie on full volume in the middle of the night.

"No, put some earbuds in your ears or something." Ishan replied, not even sparing him a glance.

Shubman groaned, annoyed to the edge. There's only one way to solve this now, he concluded. Turning Ishan to face him, he pouted, putting his best puppy eyes on display, "Please, ishh."

"See, that's not going to work-"

"Pleaseee," Shubman continued, putting on his most innocent face. He could see Ishan was melting.

"This is so unfair," Ishan huffed, putting his iPad aside, "Fine, now stop making that stupid face."

"Yayyy," Shubman cheered before pulling Ishan down and turning off the lights.

He lay there staring at Ishan's face. Moonlight shone on his face through the window, making him look eathrel. With that calm expression on his face, he literally seemed to be glowing. Shubman swore he had never seen anything more beautiful than this in his whole life. Should he just become a painter and dedicate his whole life to carving this beauty on the canvas? But no one can actually replicate this masterpiece on paper though. He wished it was possible to stop the time in this fleeting moment so he could always keep staring at this ethereal beauty.

But then again Ishan is ethereal in every moment and Shubman is always staring at him anyway.

Ishan looked at him with surprised eyes as Shubman softly started tracing Ishan's face with his fingers.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He whispered.

Ishan bit back a smile as he answered, "No, you haven't."

"Well, I'm sorry then," Shubman said as he run his hand through Ishan's soft locks, "You're very pretty." He whispered.

"I know," Ishan chuckled softly, "But thank you." He whispered, pulling Shubman close and wrapping his arms around him.

"Good night," Shubman said softly kissing his forehead.

Ishan smiled, "Good night, Meri Jaan."


Ishan was woken up from his slumber as he felt the figure beside him shaking. He sat up alarmed and immediately opened the lights.

The sight infront of him broke his heart. Shubman was trembling in his sleep, cheeks stained with tears and he was mumbling something incoherently.

He's probably having a nightmare. Ishan concluded. He softly stroked his hair with one hand, trying to soothe him, his other hand intertwining with Shubman's tightly. The man's trembling calmed down a bit but he was still sobbing.

"Shubi, Shubi," Ishan whispered, gently shaking him to wake him up.

Shubman woke up with a gasp, his eyes darting around the room frantically before settling onto Ishan. He looked at Ishan for a second before bursting out in tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He mumbled with a trembling voice, "It's fine if you don't love me the same, just don't hate me, please." He sobbed.

Ishan's heart ached seeing tears in his beautiful eyes. He immediately pulled him in a hug, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"I'm sorry Ishan, please don't hate me," Shubman kept mumbling while clutching onto Ishan tightly.

"Shh, shh, calm down, Meri Jaan," Ishan whispered softly, hugging him closer, "Why would I hate you? I could never hate you. Never." He reassured, hoping it would help him calm down. He didn't understand what Shubman was talking about but that was a matter for later. Right now he needed to comfort his bestfriend.

"I didn't mean to, I swear. I just fell in love with you. I couldn't help it." Shubman mumbled, sniffling as he looked at Ishan with his glassy eyes. He looked like he was still in a daze.

Ishan gulped, feeling his heart picking up pace by the sudden confession but at the same time, it saddened him to know Shubman felt Ishan would hate him because of this. What did he even dreamt about to think that?

Ishan sighed, ruffling Shubman's hair with a slight smile, "Whatever it is, just know that I can never ever hate you. Come, let's sleep. We'll talk about it tomorrow." He said, pulling Shubman down with him who snuggled closer, fully wrapping himself around Ishan.

Ishan smiled slightly, pressing a soft kiss onto his hair. After a really long time of just staring at Shubman's sleeping face and being lost in his own thoughts, Ishan finally fell asleep as well.


Shubman woke up in the morning to see Ishan looking at him with a soft smile while leaning on his elbow.

"What?" He asked, blinking his eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" Ishan whispered softly.

Shubman looked at him with an amused smile, "Accha ji, playing uno reverse, huh?"

Ishan chuckled, "No, you were genuinely looking so pretty while sleeping right now with the sunlight falling on your face and that peaceful expression."

"Aw, thank you," Shubman smiled shyly, his dimples making an appearance.

Ishan reached out to poke his dimples, adding, "Not when you're awake though 'cause then your stupid mouth ruins that."

Shubman groaned, sitting up against the headboard, "You're annoying."

Ishan raised an eyebrow, "Really? But someone told me they love me last night."

"Huh?" Shubman mumbled, his face paling as he remembered his nightmare and the events of the night after that.

"Don't," Ishan said, interrupting his already spiralling thoughts, "Don't think anything. You lack braincells for that."

Shubman glared at him, his lips forming a pout. Ishan chuckled, sitting up. He leaned onto Shubman's chest, taking his hands and wrapping them around his own body.

He smiled as Shubman tightened his hold, placing his chin on Ishan's shoulder.

"You wanna talk about the dream you had?" Ishan asked. Sensing Shubman's hesitation, he added, "You don't have to worry about anything, sweetie. Atleast not around me."

Shubman sighed, "So what happened is I finally found the courage to confess my love to you, in the dream. But the dream you shouted at me, telling me that you can never feel the same for me."

Shubman took a deep breath, feeling the dream again playing infront of his eyes. Ishan kept his hand on his, silently reassuring him.

He continued, "I mean, that would've been fine but the dream you also told me that you're disgusted by me and regrets being friends with me in the first place." He finished, his heart trembling at just the thought of any of this happening in real life.

After Ishan didn't say anything for a whole minute, he mumbled, "Please say something, Ish."

Ishan turned around to face him, "You should've had that courage to confess in real life 'cause the real me would've never done that," He smiled, leaning a bit closer to the other's face and continuing in a low voice, "The real me would've grabbed your collar, pulled you down and kissed you."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Shubman mumbled, dumbfounded, his eyes threatening to fall out of his sockets.

"I love you too, idiot." Ishan said, chuckling.

"And honestly, even if I didn't I would still never be disgusted by you." He added, booping the other's nose softly.

Shubman hugged him, burying his face in his neck, "You're the best, Ish."

"I know," Ishan chuckled, ruffling his hair.

Shubman pulled back, gazing deep into his eyes, "I love you."

"I love you too, Meri Jaan." Ishan replied, pulling him in a kiss.

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