Surprise Surprise!

Start from the beginning

Me:Hahah good baby good! So call

Me before you get here ight

Imani:Alright bye




Nicki:Can come help with these bags!

Me:Yea I'm coming.

*i went downstairs and to the car where there was bags and snacks and toys and alla that*

Me:Happy Birthday baby!

Prince:Tanks Nash!

Me:haha i love you

*i picked him up and hugged him and kissed his cheek*

Prince:Lub you too

Nicki:Can you put him down and finish helping


*i put him down and he went running off to play with his new toy*

2 hrs later 10:00

Nicki:Trey where's prince?

Trey:He upstairs sleep

Nicki:Oh ok thts what I thought

*someone knocked*

Nicki:I got it can you finish the bags yaself naj?

Me:Yea I guess



*it was my aunt Sarena her three girls and 3 year old son Haven the little boys name Sanai the the one youngest girls name she's ten Siaani the second youngest girl she's eight and Yania she's 13 and annoying and grown!*

Sanai:Aunty nika!!!

*she jumped and hugged nicki*

Sarena:Hey baby where's prince?


Sarena:Aww I got all his stuff here

Nicki:Oh you could put that in the kitchen on that table

Sarena:Alright hey naj!


Sarena:Aww these bags are cute nika


*it was now 11:40 most of who were coming are here everyone's playing games an laughing*

Imani:No I have one I don't have two

Siaani:I want my balloon

Imani:I don't have it. Hahahah

Siaani:Hahha yas I see it!

Imani:Alright fine here

Yania:Im ready to go

Sarena:No you ain't ready to go till I say you ready to go


*she crossed her arms and switched off outside and slamme the door and my aunt travelled after her and I guess she got hit*

Me:Mani lets go to McDonald's


Me:Ma I'm going to McDonald's


Prince:Wait Nash wait!


Prince:Dont weave yet

Me:Alright ok we'll wait

Prince:Otay come see muh cake

*he tugged me in the kitchen where everyone was singing happy birthday to him*

Everybody:Happy birthday to yooouuuu

Me and Imani:Happy Birthday to ya happy birthday to ya happy biiittthday happy birthday to yaaaaaaaa

Sarena:Hahah no they did not

Prince:They did thi thi

Me:Hah I love you baby!

*i squeezed his cheeks*


*he started whining*

Nicki:Prince stop

Prince:Tayy mommy we open presents now

Nicki:Yea gifts!


Haven:Gifts! I got you the truck and soldier prince

Trey:Soldier prince say it

Prince:Sold her

Trey:Hahahhaahah ma man!

*he gave prince a high five*

Me:Ight mom we out!

Nicki:Alright naj call me if you plan on staying out ight

Me:I will

Yania:Can I go?!

Sarena:No hell no stay here

Yania:OMG I'm about to slap the shit outta somebody

Sarena:Oh fah real?!

Nicki:hahah NAHHH Rena leave it alone

Sarena:Nika you better get her

Nicki:Hahh alright

Me:Now I'm leavin can I leave now??

Nicki:Yea girl

Prince:Bya Nash!


*we left and walked down the block holding hand and laughing and just straddling along giggling playing games*

Me:What you gettin big head

Imani:Iunno what you gon get me?? 😏

Me:Whatever you want


**As me and my baby were standing in line I hear this familiar voice confusingly say my name and now just to mention like a few years ago I went out with this stud OMG! The sexiest I ever had and we were dating for Nine Months! (longest relationship I ever had so far) the only reason we stopped dating was because she was moving away**

*i turned around and fell in love all over again*



Damn! Another one Lmao I got mixed emotions I wanna be with everybody!! Lol in a non whorish way though lol any whorree Comment vote Read now its #Teamneiya #TeamNani or #Teamnia lol Vote! ❤

Casting Call!!

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Nicki Minaj-My Daughters Keeper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now