Intro To Duncan

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*Duncan's POV*

"I told you not to make such a big deal."

I sighed as my friend June pushed a present box towards my face.
April 13th
My mom gave birth to a boy, me. Funny thing about it was I wasn't suppose to be born.. But I suppose that goes for both my little sister and me.
With mom sleeping around, the only person in my family that was intended to be alive was my older brother Jake. With mom's first husband, he was born to a typical modern house until dad left mom for a woman out of the state. She went through a deep depression and started going out late and threw herself at any guy who would give her attention.
"But... Turning 15 is a big deal! Your a teenager now." She smiled.
"I've been a teenager since 13 June.."
"Yah but still!!! One more year and you'll be able to drive!"
I simply smiled and patted her head. Me and June had known each other since she was in 4th grade and I was in 6th. My first friend... My only friend... well until met Mindy anyway. I mean she's cool to, just not as cool.
"Yah, But hell from what my brother said being a teenager sucks!!!" I whined, she simply giggled as we waited for the school bus.
"Besides, in June your gonna be a teenager too." I smiled.

"Yah I know! Are you sure you don't wanna come to my birthday party?"

"Yah, I'm sorry.... But if your inviting Juan then no... You know he's mean to me... But I know you like him a lot, so I promise I'll get you a gift when I can."

"But today isn't about me! It's about you!" She smiled at me.
That was a few months ago, I sighed looking at the small pink box I got from the jewelry store. Summer started not to long ago, but I kept my word to her that I wasn't gonna show up... But it's early in the morning so the party won't start for a long time...
The sound of the door opening got my attention as my older brother walked in our room and threw his backpack on his bed.
"Hey, tough day?" I smiled.
"Hell yah... Remind me why I got a stupid job?." He looked at me for the answer.
"To start saving for a car and move into an apartment, and get furniture for the place and maybe just save for bills."
He groaned before removing his shoes and looked over at me.
"You gonna take it to her?"
"Yah... Before the party starts... I don't wanna see him so." I sighed.
He sighed before getting up the bed and patting my shoulder before grabbing a towel and walking out to take a shower.

My brother has told me about these feelings before, when I first met June, or rather when she first talked to me, I felt my heart skip a beat. Scared and worried about what that meant I asked Jake if something was wrong with me.
He simply told me I developed my first crush of my teenage year. At the time though I was 12 going 13.
He called it puberty, and that she wasn't gonna be the last one I have. I wish she would be... Like if she broke my heart, the pain would eventually go away and I won't have to feel that way ever again... From what Jake told me of heartbreaks and pain that involved feelings for someone, it sounds like a trip to hell and staying there for years then coming back.
I didn't understand this pain feeling until June told me she liked Xander. This asshole bully whose a year younger than me but can still intimidate me. The very thought that she liked someone else, or was talking to someone else made my heart... Sting a little.. Or a lot. I felt like my heart had stopped beating and I could feel the tears wanting to fall down my face, luckily they didn't. Because I didn't have a dad and mom was useless with the guys she slept with, I asked Jake.
"Jealously, that's what it was little brother. It's part of growing up, and it's part of being human. It's not wrong for you to feel this way about it. A lot of guys would react to their crushes liking someone else like that." He told me those words as his hand was on my shoulder, giving me the talk about puberty.
Everything else, like body growing, muscle hair growing and other things, how I was gonna feel was the thing I paid more attention to. Maybe this crush wouldn't last... But until then I wanted her to be my best friend forever... And maybe if the stars line up right, we could end up together or something...
But until then... I still have to give her her gift. A pink bracelet with a silver living that had friends forever along with her name on the back of the line... It wasn't cheap but a first friend for me was like the happiest occasion for my mom since my dad left. It was like she was saying there was hope after all.
I sighed before getting up and grabbing a band merch shirt from my closet and putting it on, then grabbed a pair of clean ripped jeans my mom dried last night. I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror.
I remember going to the mall for a movie with June when she would see people who dressed or looked like me. She would look... Somewhat disturbed and yet very interested and relaxed. It was like she felt weirded out around them but knew she could be accepted by them too. My brother also told me that this whole dark clothes and punk music with the piercing and bracelets is a phase... Maybe it is or maybe it isn't and my fashion will get more matured and leveled up as I grow up. But for now I'm sticking with what I like.
I put my dirty torn up converse on and brushed my hair, putting it in a ponytail. I would cut my hair if I could... But I seriously didn't want to risk giving myself a bad hair style. It's long but gorgeous... I'm not ruining it by making it shorter with my own two hands, if I burned myself making instant lunch dinner... That cooks in a microwave I'll definitely injure myself cutting my hair.
I sighed putting on my accessories and stuffing the small rectangle box into my pocket and headed out. While walking down the hall I noticed my kid sister's door slightly opened, when I peaked inside she was happily siting on her bed in her PJs with a bowl of cereal in her lap watching Tom and Jerry. She's only 7 but she enjoys her childhood not knowing what our mom does. Hopefully mom finds her a suitable man by the time Luna reaches that the age she'd understand everything. I prayed for that day to come... I really want a dad...

I walked down the stair to see my mom wearing her long shirt with shorts making pancakes.
"Hey kiddo, you hungry?"
"Nah mom, I'm gonna head over to June's and give her my present."
"Oh, okay. Make sure to tell her I wish her a Happy 13th Birthday. I can't believe you two are teenagers now." She giggled.
"Okay. I'll be sure to tell her." I smiled and waved off as I walked out the front door.
"You have your key right?!" Mom yelled.
"Yah! Don't worry!" I yelled back.
"Love you!"
"Love you too kiddo!" She happily yelled back.
Even though I didn't agree with what mom does, that doesn't mean I don't love her any less. She's still a great mom, she loves me and my brother and sister equally, so I actually consider myself luckier then most kids that live with the same situation.
I walked down the street, blinking rapidly from the sudden brightness of the day. It was the early morning. As I crossed the small shops and went through the park, I arrived at her neighborhood. The houses were so much nicer then the ones in my neighborhood. Then again we're a modern house thanks to my older brother's dad for paying for the something called alimony or something like that.
I walked down the street and went into the front yard of the little two story house in the entire neighborhood. It's like June's house was completely different then the cookie cutter shaped houses they have here. I walked up the pathway and looked at the door before ringing the bell.
It took a while before someone answered it.
It was Kathy with a murderous face and anger in her eyes. I was scared just looking at her.
"Oh it's you Duncan, you talk some sense into her!" She pointed behind herself.
I cocked my head to the side.
"What? What happened this time?" I sighed.
Those two have so much of rivalry going on... Then again I think rivalry is the most sensitive word I can say for the two of them. You put them in a room together and someone's gonna die.
"She's insane! So stupid just cause she's turning 13 she had the nerve to steal my makeup and favorite top!!" Kathy practically screamed. She finally moved to the side to let me see, when I looked up... I honestly couldn't decide whether to feel pity... Or laugh.
And that what makes me feel bad.
I know she was trying to look older... But she may have gone a little to far... Or seen to many shitty teenage movies to assume what she was wearing. Either way....
The bright red lipstick suit her though, but the colored eyeshadow, blush and top shirt that was practically was pulled down to where her breast were... Reminded me to much of what my mom dressed like when she went out clubbing...

I didn't like it at all

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