xv. save me a seat

792 51 93

MARCH 2020

As Sofía stepped into Carlos's apartment, the comforting aroma of spices and simmering sauces enveloped her senses, instantly putting her at ease. She smiled as she took in the familiar sight of the cozy apartment, the open concept countertop visible as she makes her way through the entryway with its gleaming marble and a colorful array of ingredients already spread across it.

"Carlito!" she called out, her voice tinged with excitement. "I'm here!"

Carlos' voice sounds from within the kitchen, "I'm in here, Fía!"

He looks up at her with a wide smile from where he was hunched over his fridge, pulling another array of ingredients from within. Sofía returned his smile, feeling a wave of warmth wash over her at the sight of him. "Now this is a sight I could get used to."

Carlos gives her a little spin, showing off his bright pink apron with the words 'kiss the chef' plastered in big bold letters across it.

With a skip in her step, Sofía made her way into the kitchen, her eyes drinking in the sight of Carlos. His easy charm and infectious energy never failed to lift her spirits, and tonight was no exception.

"Hello, amor." she says, leaning against the kitchen counter with a playful grin. "What's cookin'?"

Carlos gives her a grin, his eyes sparkling as he places his hands on either side of her on the counter, trapping her in his hold. He leans down to place a quick kiss to her lips, Sofías hands toying with the hem on his tshirt across his back.

"I thought I'd teach how to make my famous burger recipe." he replies smugly, eliciting a slight eye roll from his girlfriend.

"Is everything you make me 'your famous recipe'? You spoil me, Carlito."

Carlos chuckled, moving closer to her and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Only the best for you, Fía. Now, come on, we've got work to do."

As they worked side by side in the kitchen, Carlos guided Sofía through the process of making burgers from scratch, his hands deftly moving across the countertop as he explained each step with patience and enthusiasm. Sofía watched his animated movements with the utmost entertainment, knowing exactly how passionate he was about his cooking, it was kind of funny to watch.

"The key to a perfect burger is in the seasoning," Carlos explained, sprinkling a generous amount of spices into the bowl of ground beef. "You want to make sure every bite bursts with flavor."

Sofía nodded attentively,a gentle laugh lacing her words as she spoke. "Got it, chef. So, when can we get these on the grill? I'm starving."

"Always so impatient, cielo." he leans down, placing a slow kiss to that sweet spot right on the side of her throat, making her groan slightly.

She gently swats at his arm, and pulls the bowl closer to her as she continues their work. As they continued to mix and shape the patties, their conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving between playful banter and Carlos' signature teasing behavior.

Sofía grinned, nodding in approval at their finished product as Carlos lays the perfectly formed patties on a separate plate, ready to be cooked. "I think we're ready to give Gordon Ramsay a run for his money."

With a shared laugh and a sense of accomplishment, they transferred the patties to the grill, the sizzle of meat filling the air as they eagerly awaited the delicious results of their culinary collaboration. As they stood by the grill, waiting for the burgers to cook to perfection, Sofía pulls off her apron and takes a seat at the table.

MOTH TO A FLAME ☆ CARLOS SAINZ JRWhere stories live. Discover now