vii. first dates

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song of the chapter:
the very first night - taylor swift

     Carlos Sainz was a nervous wreck. Every single time he'd walk into that small café, every drop of confidence would leave his body when he saw her standing behind that counter. He was normally quite a reserved guy anyway, so it didn't surprise him when that trait was only heightened in her presence.

Today wasn't any different. He had been coming to Nora's café for over a month now, almost daily when he could. Every time, he would sit in the closest spot to where Sofía was working, both of them often getting carried away in small talk between her tables. In those weeks, he had managed to find out her shift times, her favorite color, and that she was working to find her singing career.

It took him slightly by surprise when she had first told him, he just thought she enjoyed doing it as a hobby. But then, the more she told him about it, the more intriguing he found her. She had even shown him a couple songs she had written, and he had to admit: she was amazing at what she did.

Sofía had also revealed that she fully knew who he was, explaining how her dad was a huge Formula 1 fan. Although, she didn't completely recognize him his first couple of times in the restaurant and it was only later that she had put the pieces together.

The small silver bell on the door dings loudly as Carlos pushes his way through it, the central heating immediately warning his body and sending shivers down his spine. Behind the counter, the curly haired brunette was stood taking someone's order. But her head lifts, just the tiniest fraction, to glance at the door.

Carlos meet her gaze almost instantly, heart melting at the soft smile she gives him before turning back to the customer in front of her. He was later than usual today, she noticed that, but he wanted to make sure he could get her complete and undivided attention. Which is why he was here almost an hour before closing time.

"Oh, thank God. You're here!" Sofía exclaims, lightly bouncing in her spot behind the counter.

Carlos raises a confused eyebrow at her, he definitely didn't come in every day and she was definitely never this excited about it either. "Did Nora give you sugar today?"

"Oh, he's funny today!" Sofía places her hands on her hips. "And to think I was excited to present you with my surprise."

"Ah! You should've led with that, then."

The woman jokingly rolls her eyes at him before moving over to the display fridge and pulling out a plated desert for him. "I finally learned how to make a successful tiramisu!"

A few days ago, on one of Carlos' long days at the café, they had been discussing their favorite deserts. He had confessed that he loved a good tiramisu, which unfortunately for him they didn't sell. But, since Sofía didn't exactly have a set job description, she sometimes helped Nora bake all the goods.

That morning, she had convinced her boss to let her use the kitchen to try some out for her. Truthfully, she had practiced the recipe a few times at home— which didn't really end well for her or her poor kitchen counters.

"You're kidding." his eyes widen as she sets the desert in front of him.

"I was genuinely worried you wouldn't come in today." Sofía chuckles nervously, resting her elbows on the counter. "I probably should've asked. I wouldn't exactly know how, but—"

MOTH TO A FLAME ☆ CARLOS SAINZ JRWhere stories live. Discover now