xiv. who do you love?

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     The city lights of New York danced below as Luca and Sofía made their way home from a night out with Luca's friends. The air was crisp and cool, a gentle breeze rustling through the streets as they walked hand in hand, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the bustling city. The evening had been filled with good food, lively conversation, and plenty of drinks, but now as they made their way back to their apartment, Sofía could feel that now constant heavy silence starting to form between them.

On the other hand, Luca couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. The silence more comfortable than heavy for him, he had spent the night showing off his beautiful girlfriend to all his friends and castmates, his arms never unwrapping from around her the whole time they were out. He couldn't imagine a better way to spend an evening than with Sofía by his side.

"Tonight was really fun," Luca said, breaking the silence.

Sofía smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling in the soft glow of the streetlights. "Yeah, it was," she agreed, her voice filled with faux warmth that she hoped the Italian couldn't pick up on. "Your new castmates are really nice, it's a shame I've only just gotten to meet them."

Luca felt a surge of happiness swell in his chest at Sofías words. He squeezed her hand gently, relishing the feeling of her warmth against his skin. "I'm glad we're okay now, and that you finally talked to me." he said, his voice soft with affection. "I never want you to feel that way with me again."

Sofía couldn't help the few tears that rushed to her eyes, rapid blinks coming up to cover hide them away, "It isn't your fault."

If only he knew how hard those words were to speak.

They walked on for a few moments, the sounds of the city fading into the background as they lost themselves in each other's company. The night air was cool against their skin, the soft breeze ruffling their hair as they strolled through the city streets. As they reached the quiet residential neighborhood where Sofías apartment was located, Luca couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment settle over him. He loved these late-night walks with Sofía, the quiet intimacy of their conversations as they made their way home together.

"You know, I'm really glad we met." Luca said suddenly, breaking the silence once again.

Sofía glanced up at him, her eyes soft. "Me too." she replied, her throat closing up as the guilt starts crawling its way up from her stomach yet again.

How much longer could she keep this up for?

Luca felt his heart swell with love for the woman beside him. He pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they continued on their way. "I love you, Sof." he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Sofía leaned into Luca's embrace, her heart racing in her chest. Whether it was due to anxiousness or to genuine affection, she wasn't sure anymore. "I love you too." she whispered back, her words a promise of a future she doesn't know if she can give him anymore.

But those four words, they weren't a lie. She did love Luca. She loved his kindness, his compassion, and his unwavering support. She loved the way he always put her first, how he's never late and never once missed a date.

But as they walked together, Sofía couldn't shake the feeling of doubt that gnawed at her insides, the truth hiding about her lingering feelings for Carlos. And with each step they took, the weight of it all grew heavier, threatening to crush her beneath its burden.

As they reached her building and stepped into the elevator, Sofía couldn't help but steal a glance at Luca, her heart turning heavy as lead with guilt. He looked handsome as ever, his dark hair tousled and his eyes sparkling with laughter, but she couldn't shake that horrible feeling no matter what she did.

MOTH TO A FLAME ☆ CARLOS SAINZ JRजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें