viii. fame

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     The call came as she sat backstage, waiting for the side stage ushers to announce her entry

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The call came as she sat backstage, waiting for the side stage ushers to announce her entry. Sofía looks to the side at Joy, who had noticed the ringing phone in her hands and was already looking at her. By the look on her clients face, she could tell this call was somewhat important. The blonde woman lifts up five fingers, signaling that she has five minutes before she needs to go out there.

Moving a few steps away from the woman and all the stage staff, she slides her finger across her screen and waits for the call to connect. It was safe to say her heart was in her throat, fingers almost shaking as she did so. She wasn't expecting a phone call of all things as a reply to her messages.

"Hey." she answers quietly, not wanting to disturb the people around her.

He clears his throat before he speaks. "Hi, Sofía."

She hated how the way he said her name made her heart race like that. "Is everything okay?"

"You messaged me." Carlos retorts, and she could already imagine the unnecessary frustration on his face. Whether it was with her or someone else around him, she didn't know.

"You could've just texted me back, you didn't need to call, Carlos."

He hated how he missed the sound of his name rolling off her lips like that. "Because there was no need for them in the first place, Sofía. It's your music, I shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose what you do with it."

Sofía couldn't help but roll her eyes, why did he have to be so nice? "I was just trying to give you a heads up. I, um, I know you've probably seen all the headlines and stuff recently."

Carlos sighs. "Is my name directly mentioned?"

"Wha— no?" If Sofía wasn't currently stood backstage, she probably would've gasped a little louder. Her exclamation had earned her glances from the few staff members around her, to whom she quickly apologized and lowers her voice. "Why would you even ask that?"

She wrote songs about a lot of things and a lot of people but she would never, ever call anyone out by name. It felt almost offensive that he felt the need to ask that of her. No matter how they ended, good or bad, he should know her well enough to know she would never ever put him in a spot like that.

"Then I don't care, Sofía." he replies bluntly, as though it was obvious the whole time—and he had caught on to how awful that sounded when she went quiet for a few seconds. "That came out bad, I didn't mean it like that.'s not my business. Put out your music the way you want it to be put out, not according to anyone else's wants, okay?"

Sofías heart swelled in her chest, he always knew exactly what to say to her. Except when it really mattered. "Yeah. Yeah, okay. Thanks, Carlos."

MOTH TO A FLAME ☆ CARLOS SAINZ JRWhere stories live. Discover now