Chapter 15 - Gotta get back to Hogwarts

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Rose POV:

I ran through the barrier between the muggle world and the wizarding world, eager to get as far away as possible from Petunia and the hideously, revolting, excuse for a human that she called her fiance. I looked around excitedly for my friends, I had barely been able to see any of them the whole summer because of Vernon, more like Vermin.  However, there was one person in particular who I was looking for.

"Rose!" I heard someone shout in the distance. "Rose, over here!"

I looked round and saw Athena and Violet. I ran over to them. "Hi, oh my god, I've missed you two so much!" I said hugging them both "How were your holidays?" 

"Same old, same old." Athena brushing past it "but tell us about you,"

"Yes, you've had a much more interesting Christmas. You need to tell us all about Vermin." Violet said excitedly.

I laughed "I will, I will, but lets get on the train first. I'm guessing Ben's already here Vi?"

"Yeah he just went to look for Regulus." she said smirking at me. I blushed slightly. I was excited to see him, but also kind of scared. We had written to each other but we weren't able to write too much otherwise his parents might become suspicious. None the less, I was dying to see him. 

Regulus POV:

I walked through the barrier between platforms nine and ten, I felt almost as though I had forgotten what it felt like to be free. I looked down at Kreacher, my parents only ever bothered dropping me off at the platform at the start of the year, if only there was a way to make them proud of me, maybe then they would take more notice of me and care more. 

"Goodbye, Kreacher. Don't let things get too bad while I'm gone." I said smiling down at the little elf.

"Of course master. Kreacher hopes that master has a good term." the elf croaked. I know this must sound really sad but sometimes I felt like Kreacher was all I had, well at least before Rose. The elf dissaperated and I started to look around the crowded platform for Rose and the others. I couldn't wait to see how their holiday had been. I felt a hand clasp my shoulder. I jumped slightly. I turned around quickly, scared. However I was just met with Ben's kind, grinning face. 

"Regulus!" He grinned.

"Ben." I sighed releived "Good to see you. Have you seen anyone else yet?" I asked.

He looked at me knowingly "I haven't,  but come on lets go get a compartment before they're all gone!" 

I followed him grinning. It felt good not to have to worry so much. I caught sight of Sirius as we made our way to the train. I felt my heart skip a beat. He looked so... happy. He was laughing with the marauders and looked healthier than ever. I looked at him for a second, wistfully, thinking what could've been if I had gone with him that day. I shook my head. I couldn't think about that. I can't go back and change the past. I followed Ben onto the scarlet train. 

3rd Person POV: 

Regulus and Ben found a nice empty compartment, relatively near the end of the train and so quite well hidden, in other words, no annoying Slytherin's who would report back to their parents were going to stumble across it. 

Rose and the others walked down the train looking for them. Violet had informed them that Ben had planned to find a compartment with Regulus after finding him. They were almost about to give up hope when they found the compartment. Athena slid the door open.

Rose POV:

"Hi y'all!" Violet said in the worst American accent I had ever heard. We made our way into the compartment. I walked in and shut the door behind me. I turned around. I locked eyes with Reg. He looked thinner and paler than before and his cheeks were more hollow. The room was filled with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. However, this was broken when Reg stood up. We rushed towards each other and I wrapped Regulus in my arms. I had missed this. 


I know your supposed to receive presents on your birthday, but I just love giving....

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