Chapter 6 - Summer 1976 (Rose)

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Rose POV:

1976 (4th Year)

This summer had been magical, and it was all thanks to Marlene. She had introduced Eric and I, at the start of my second year and his third, and we had immediately become close. He was my best friend, apart from Violet and Athena OBVIOUSLY (sisters before misters), and halfway through last year we became more than just friends. We spent the whole summer at each others houses, I showed him muggle stuff like the cinema and he showed me wizard stuff and helped me improve my quidditch. I was quite good at quidditich now, Eric had even persuaded me to try out for the team (where he played beater with Sirius).

The only down side to my perfect summer was Petunia. She was the same, but worse. She had recently gotten a new boyfriend, Vernon, who I liked to call Vermin. He was big, patronising and ugly. I knew that if Petunia ever risked to tell him where me and Lily really went to school he would share the same opinions about it as her, we were disgraceful freaks. Luckily me and Lily had worked out a plan almost as soon as we met Vermin, when he was around to would go to Marlene and Eric's house. This way I could spend time with my boyfriend and she could spend time with her best friend. 


I ran through the barrier and looked around excitedly. Then I saw him. He was talking to his parents. I crept up silently behind him gesturing at his parents and Marlene to not say anything. Then I grabbed his shoulders and yelled "BOO!"

"AAAAGGGHHHHHHH!" He screamed, jumping "Oh my god Rose I jumped about a foot in the air then, you scared the life out of me. Feel my hand. I'm shakeing!"

"You big drama queen." I teased.

"Hello Rose, how are you?" Mrs McKinnon asked after she had finished laughing at her son.

"I'm Good Thanks." I replied.

"Are you excited for another year at Hogwarts?" Mr McKinnon asked.

"Yeah," I said looking at Eric "I have a good feeling about this year."

"I do to." Eric said looking into my eyes. I leaned in, but then remembered who was there and quickly looked over to my bags blushing. 

"I better get these on the train." 

"I'll help you." Eric said taking my trunk.

"Your such a gentleman." I said teasingly slapping him on the shoulder.


I was just getting off the train to say goodbye to my parents when I saw someone I hadn't talked to properly since first year and had no intention of talking to now, Regulus Black. Sirius had sent me a letter telling me that he was now staying at James' house as he had ran away from home, but that wasn't the reason why I didn't want to talk to Regulus. I know it may sound stupid but I hold grudges, and I still hadn't gotten over the whole 'I don't want to be friends with you because you are muggleborn' thing, so I quickly got of the train, slickly avoiding an awkward conversation, and made my way towards my parents, who were now talking to Mr and Mrs McKinnon. 

"Bye Mum, Bye Dad. I will see you at Christmas." I said, hugging them both good-bye. 

"Bye Rosie." My mum said.

"I miss you already." said my Dad as I started to walk to wards the train.

"Miss you more!" I yelled over my shoulder. 

"That's not possible." He retaliated. 

"Anything is possible!" I replied, walking backwards so I could see them, before I ran to get on the slowly moving train and find a compartment. 

A/N: Sorry if this chapter wasn't great, I thought you needed a happier chapter after Regulus' Summer. I hope you enjoyed it though, the bank holiday is done now so I might not update as frequently as I will have less time to write. Also do you guys prefer the shorter or longer chapters (I don't mind either way but shorter chapters will probably be published more frequently).  Anyway I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day! :) 

This is my new life motto and I had to share it

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This is my new life motto and I had to share it.

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