Chapter 12 ~ Finding out

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Rose POV:

I walked into the common room and released a sigh of relief. There were Violet and Athena, sitting in the same sofa as always, kissing. WAIT, KISSING??? My eyes widened as I stood there, shocked. They were KISSING! In the middle of the COMMON ROOM, which was FULL of people! Actually, scrap that last part, at a second glance I realised that the common room was weirdly empty. I must of taken longer getting back then I realised. To be honest, I had  spent a while in the library and pacing the corridors wondering how to tell them about Reg. I looked down at my watch. That explained it. It was already 11 at night. I stood there wondering what to do. Should I interrupt them. No I couldn't do that, my ship was FINALLY sailing, but at the same time I really needed to talk to them. I decided to compromise, I sat down in a comfortable armchair in front of them and when neither of them realised I was there or resurfaced I got my homework out of my bag, trying not to disturb them. God, I must look like such a third wheel. 

After about a minute or two they FINALLY noticed that I was there. 

"ROSE! How long have you been here!" Said Violet, surprised

"Long enough." I said, jokingly. They both blushed. "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad that you two finally realised that you like each other. You were almost as bad a Remus and Sirius were!"

"Says you"said Athena.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said innocently. 

"Anyway, sorry to spoil this lovely moment but I need to tell you guys something URGENTLY!"

"What? Have Lily and James gotten together?"

"No, buuuuttt...."

"Snape has finally washed his hair!"

"No, JUST LET ME SPEAK!" I said as I saw both Athena and Violet's mouths open to try and guess what I was going to say. "I'm sorry I kept this from you for so long but,"

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Shrieked Violet.

"Who's the father? OH MY GOD. It is Eric isn't it!" said Athena curiously.

"Can we be the Aunts!" 

"STOP! 1, I am not pregnant and 2, of course if I was you guys would be the aunts!"

"So what do you want to tell us?" Athena asked curiously. 

"Me and Regulus are together!" I blurted out.

"I KNEW IT!" Said Athena "I'm so happy for you two. Hand over the money Violet. I told you so!"

"Ughhh Rose, now I have to pay her 1 galleon!"

"You guys were betting that me and Regulus were together?"

"Can you honestly say that you weren't doing the exact same thing for us?" replies Athena.

"Fair enough. Selena is going to be so angry, she thought that you would tell us, we would find out, or you would get together NEXT week."

"Look, I'm really happy for you Rose, but are you sure about this? He is a slytherin." said Violet cautiously 

"I know,  part of the reason we didn't tell anyone for so long was because of the slytherin, gryffindor rivalry. Anyway, not all slytherins are bad!" 

"How long have you been together?" asked Athena.

"Since Slughorn's party." I said guiltily.


"I'm sorry but we didn't want anyone to know, I had just broken up with Eric and you know what Reg's Family is like. Anyway, how long have you two been hiding this from ME?" I said pointing between them. Violet and Athena shared a look and blushed.

"About a week." 

"We were planning on telling you about it soon, but we didn't want you to feel like you were third wheeling."

"I would never feel like I am third wheeling with you guys!"

"AW stop it!" Violet said jokingly.

"We should probably head to bed now. We need time to process all this new information!"


At this point Athena was basically Gryffindor, she even had a bed in our dormitory!

"Now, you two had better not try anything" I said sternly, pointing at them. 

"Shut up Rose!" said Violet blushing furiously.

"UGHHHHH please be quiet!" groaned our fellow fourth year Gryffindor girl, Selena.

"Yeah we are trying to sleep here!" said Alice Fortiscue's younger sister, Rebekah.

"Sorry!" we said guiltily.

"Well we are awake now, what were you talking about?" Said the last girl in the dorm, Bella. Violet and Athena looked at each other nervously.

"Did you guys finally get together!?" asked Selena, suddenly awake.

"Were we really that obvious?"

"Yes!" we all chorused. 

"I don't know how Rose put up with it!" said Bella.

"Anyway, you all better cough up, I guessed that they would either confirm it or get together this week." I said.

"You two couldn't have just waited for next week?" asked Selena.

"Does anyone have any food? I'm really hungry." asked Rebekah.

"Here you go." Said Bella throwing a packet of fizzing whizzbees at her.


"On a completely unrelated note, what do you think are the teachers friendship groups?"

"Well Dumbledore and Minnie are definitely besties." I said

"Well that one is obvious. Dumbledore shares all the gossip for sure." said Selena.

"I don't know," said Athena "Weirdly, Flitwick always seems to know all the drama."

"Really? I would've never of guess him."

"Well I guess everyone always does gossip in his lessons as they are the noisiest, maybe he's listening in on the students so he can tell the teachers in the staff room later?"

The evening carried on like this for hours, with many more random conversations and food fights, until we sunk into our beds, sweets stuck in our hair, ready for sleep to hug us in its comforting arms.

A/N: Hi my peeps! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please feel free to spam the comments (I would really love to hear what you think) and if you have any ideas about what could happen later on in the story message or comment and I will try to include it. Have a good day/night  :) 

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