Chapter 10 ~ The Quidditch Match

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Warning: excessive swearing and a very sassy Remus Lupin

Rose POV:

The sound of the crowd roared in my ears as I walked onto the pitch, my hands shaking. Madam Hooch ordered the two captains to shake hands. I did what I had been avoiding, I locked eyes with Regulus. Why had I kissed him? I mean he did kiss back, but what if it was just a reflex? I had one thought going though my head 'No one can know'. Firstly Sirius would have a fit and secondly I had just yelled at Eric and told him that he was a player because he would move on in five minutes, I would look like such a hypocrite.  I vaguely heard Madam Hooch call "Mount your brooms!". 'Snap out of it Rose!' I told myself 'You have lots of time to over think later, just focus on the game!'

I heard Madam Hooch's whistle and Remus announcing that the game had started as I pushed off from the hard ground. 

"And Gryffindor's James Potter has the quaffle. Fly James like your life fucking depends on it, because it probably does."

"Mr Lupin." Professor McGonagall said warning.

"Shit, so sorry professor. And James passes it to Frank Longbottom, who drops it. See that what happens when you decide to have a little snogging session instead of going to practice, slytherin gets the fucking quaffle. Yes I went there! Sorry professor! Oh and Mckinnon goes into a dive has she seen the fucking snitch? I think she fucking has!! and now Slytherin seeker Regulus Black, who's brother is so fucking handsome, has joined the chase. Oh but Mckinnon pulls out of the dive (Oh this has a fucking name James has probably told me about it a million fucking times) She is amazing! See Longbottom this is what happens when you actually fucking go to practice! Anyway Black obviously needs glasses as he can see a snitch across the fucking pitch but not the ground when it is right in front of his fucking face. Actually that looked like it hurt, YOU OKAY REG?! It doesn't seem like he is, RUN MADAM POMFREY, RUN AS FAST AS THOSE MAGNIFICENT LEGS WILL LET YOU! The game is back on, Eric Mckinnon hits a bludger at Smith of slytherin who drops the quaffle, the Mckinnons are on fucking fire today! A fabulous fucking catch from James Fleamont fucking Potter. Talking about Potter he wants me to clarify that he no longer has the hots for Evans which everyone knows is a fucking lie (no not Rose Evans you fucking pervs, Lily Evans, little Rose bud is like a sister to him). And Potter scores! Five galleons says that Rosier doesn't save a single goal this match.  And Rose Evans catches the quaffle go on Roseikins you can do it!!! And Rose makes a fucking amazing pass to Longbottom, who I wouldn't have trusted because of the amount of practices he has missed, and he passes it back to her and she passes it to Potter who passes it back to her, AND SHE SCORES. And Potter is hit by a bludger because he was waving to Lily Evans. This is what happens when you have crushes on girls and refuse to acknowledge them James! DON'T BOTTLE UP YOUR FUCKING FEELINGS! Sorry Professor. Sirius Black, my amazing fucking boyfriend (back off everyone he is fucking mine!) has just hit an amazing bludger towards the Slytherin chaser Montogue, who promptly drops the quaffle which the amazing, the brillient, the stunning Rose Evans catches. Mckinnon is diving again but I think she actually has seen the snitch this time. GO ON MARLENE!!! And SHE HAS GOT THE FUCKING SNITCH GRYFFINDOR FUCKING WINS! FUCK YES!"

I looked over to see McGonagal with her head in her hands, looking mortified. I landed and ran towards Marlene and enclosed her in a massive hug. 


I was making my way over to the castle to go and check on Regulus, only if there was no one else there, obviously, when Robert Wood caught up with me.

"Hi, Rose it's isn't it?"


"Well I was watching and you did amazingly, I can't believe that this is your first proper match! Anyway, I'm sure that if you ever wanted to play professionally, Puddlemore United would have a place for you."

"Wow, thank you so much, that's amazing! but, really, it's all thanks to James, he is our captain and is amazing at quidditch, here he comes now. James come over here!" I called to James who was walking over, ecstatic. "I was just telling Robert Wood over here how you are a great captain and amazing at quidditch."

"Aw, you flatter me Rosiekins." He said ruffling my hair "I'm James Potter." He said extending his hand which Robert shook "I can't believe that I am meeting you and that you watched me play, you are a huge inspiration to me."

"Well, if you ever want to try out for Puddlemore, owl me, I'm sure we could find a place for you."

"Thank you so much, this means a lot to me."

"No problem, now I better be off. See you." And he walked away.

"Oh my god, Ro Ro, what just happened."

"I don't know but we should get to the party in the common room."


Later that evening I managed to slip out of the bustling Gryffindor common room to the hospital wing, where Reggie was staying the night. 

"Hey, Reg." I said as I walked up to his bed "How are you feeling?"

"Achy." He said with a small smile on his face, although his expression suddenly became serious. (see what I did there?) "Listen, that kiss the other night, can we keep it a secret?" he asked "I do really like you and I think it is in more than just a friend way, I just don't know how people, especially my parents, are going to react."

I breathed a sigh of relief "I was going to say the exact same thing."

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long to come out, my updates will probably be less regular now but don't worry I will still update. I'm having a little bit of writers block so if there is anything that you would like to see in the next couple of chapters please comment. Also thank you so much for reading and voting, it means so much. I hope you enjoyed!!!

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