16 - caring

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- Lauren -

I made my way back to the living room, carefully holding the hot cup in hand to not spill a drop. "Maddy. Drink this just in case. I don't want-" I cut my voice off as soon as i noticed that her eyes were closed.

I sat the tea on the coffee table and carefully pressed my knee on the extended couch bed, tucking the bit of my jacket off her face so she can at most breathe easier.

I looked back at the chair near the fireplace though, stepping over and seeing as her clothes are fully dried out.

"Maddy." I called out yet gently climbed on the couch. My body laying just next to hers before i went in to caress her cheek. I couldn't even hold back a smile from how peaceful she looked. The flickering light from the fire highlighting her features even more.

"Pretty." I leaned closer and whispered, in such desire to just let her sleep but i just knew i couldn't. "Hm?" Maddy's hum appeared. "Your clothes are dry." I spoke back, continuing to brush my thumb among her cheek.

"I should take you back home. You never told your mom that you'll be staying the night here so." I explained and soon after absorbed her eyes open. "I don't wanna go." Her hand grabbed mine, tucking it as close as possible to herself. "I don't want you either but we shouldn't raise suspiciousness, sweetheart."

"I guess you're right." The girl forced herself sitting, letting loose of my hand. "Just change out of my clothes and i'll bring the car closer to the door so you don't have to walk out in the cold too much. The temperature has dropped significantly now that the sun is gone." I said and stood up myself, throwing on a coat before leaving.

I switched the corvette on and backed it up in front of the door, letting the engine continue running as i stepped back inside the cabin.

"Don't forget your backpack." I pointed it out, the girl walking to the counter to grab it. "There's no way i'll be able to stay awake in the car though. The coldness of that water has completely exhausted me." She approached with a smile.

"It's okay. You can sleep. I'll wake you up when we're there." I responded but hesitated to open the door just yet as she stopped to pull her hoodie on. "Thanks for the tea."

"Oh? You drank it?"

"Mhm. I just don't know how you knew i liked them with extra sugar." She pulled the backpack on, stepping closer right after. "I didn't. I just thought that a sweeter tea would make you actually drink it." I bravely admitted.

"These little things you do just makes me like you even more." Her hands slipped right around my waist, proudly smiling back.

"Why am i sensing that it isn't even just liking that you feel for me anymore?" I commented, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Who knows. Maybe you're right. At least from my side i wanna.. say it but like you said, we have nowhere to rush."

"God! I forgot about that. Oh, Maddy. You literally take away my ability to think properly whilst i'm with you." I released a light laugh.

- - -
I turned the wheel and stopped in my driveway, reaching over with my left hand to switch the engine off. My eyes panned to the passenger seat, Maddy clearly knocked asleep whilst clenching on my hand.

"Sweetheart." I slowly began pulling her arm towards me - no reaction. Deciding to set it back down, stepped out and walked to her door side.

"Maddy. Come on." I unbuckled her seatbelt, nudging her shoulder. "We're here already?" Her faint voice came through. "Mhm. You slept through the whole ride. I hope you'll be able to sleep afterwards now that i have woke you up twice."

"Oh i'm gonna be dead asleep as soon as i enter my bedroom nonetheless." I heard her confess, finally forcing herself out the car. "Tomorrow make sure to eat something warm for breakfast just in case if you're close to getting a cold."

"Oh my god. You're so caring." Her hands were about to go up and hug me but i immediately pulled them away. "Don't, Maddy. Just in case your parents are still up. They probably heard me pull up too."

"Oh. Sorry. I can't function. I'm too tired." I heard her mumble back yet i took the backpack out, closing the car door. "Will be able to make it to the bedroom?" I asked with a smile.

"Well if i did when i was drunk then i will be able to do it now too."

"Right! Despite the fall that happened and you have no memory of even tripping over somewhere." I rolled my eyes, hanging the bag over to her.

"Won't happen this time." Maddy smiled back and we said our goodbyes, absorbing as she made her way to the house.


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