4 - the bully duo

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- Maddy -

I ever so slightly forced my chair back and laid the sketch book in my lap, using the opportunity of Ms Hale having her back towards us to continue the drawing of her.

I gracefully slid the pencil down and worked on her wavy type of hairstyle. Second day of having her as the new teacher and i'm truly beginning to wonder whether those are her natural hair curls or not. They're loose and almost identical every day, it can't be that you're so skilled to make the same exact hairstyle every morning.

My hand continued to work, the image of her coming together perfectly as to what i'm seeing in front of me.

"Okay and the point of that could-" The silence was broken in two from her voice but she turned around in the same exact second, having me throw the sketch book back in the secret compartment under my desk. Ms Hale's eyes were dead locked on me though, my body literally freezing in place.

I'm dead. There's no way she didn't see me have something in hand just a second ago. "Everything okay, Maddy?"

"Uhh.. yeah. Keep going." I forced a smile up, discreetly grabbing my pen back as that's what we were doing - taking notes. "Okay? Well, as i was saying, the point could be defined different ways."

Oh dear lord. Thank fucking god. Her eyes drifted away from me and i tilted my head down, inner face palming myself from how bad this would have ended.

- - -
I packed up my things after the bell and turned around, waiting on Ayden that already was being flooded with girls coming up. "Listen, no! I'm going to the party tomorrow night with Maddy so i'm not taking requests from any of you."

"Party? Come again. You told me nothing about that." I spoke in with a questionable look. "Friday night. Of course there's a god damn house party. Alex is inviting me so i'm inviting you." My best friend said after standing up.

"You're wild. How the hell am i even friends with you?" I mumbled out and we finally moved, passing all the desks and walking towards the door yet as i happened to be the last one, i turned to grab the handle.

My eyes immediately locked on Ms Hale, her own gaze being right on me as she was sat at her desk. "See you tomorrow, miss." I politely announced, having her grow a smile across her lips. "You too, Maddy." Lauren spoke back and i swear i wanted to collapse.

How can she hold such an intimidating but kind appearance? Won't even begin with the fact that she looks too young to be teaching at school. Not a single wrinkle on her skin. Surgery? Maybe. I don't know anything about it but that would be my only guess. If it's not well then she's fucking blessed.

I finally shut the door behind myself and followed after Ayden to the lockers. "You know that most of the school thinks we're dating?" I commented after opening up mine, forcing the unneeded books inside.

"If so? It's a fucking high school. You're not my type either so all we need is that the both of us know that's not true."

"Ouch! Harsh! Well your type is probably the popular girls, ey? Speaking of them, here they come." I exclaimed with annoyance, glancing right past him and on the duo walking down the hallway.

"God damn. I swear she purposely wears such a short skirt." The comment slipped out but Ayden still couldn't take his eyes off Linda, staring at her like he hadn't seen her just before the art class.

"Hey, Ayden." The girl stopped, her hand already caressing his chest in a playful manner. "Hey. Ready to get wasted on Friday?" I heard him ask but my eyes darted behind Linda, her own sister being her slave that surprisingly had her eyes right on me.

"Maddy, right?" Lia asked, reaching her hand out to me. "What an honor. The bully and high school face speaking to me?" I sarcastically said however shook her hand back. "Oh please. You've never been our victim. Well, yet."

"Exactly. Yet." I forced up a smile, trying to seem nice. "I see that you've became a party girl though. Of course since starting to date Ayden." Lia's eyes gave a glance to the both before coming back on me.

"We're not fucking dating." I threw the obvious truth at her, absolutely done with this rumor ever since my best friend started ditching girls from saying that he has to go and meet up with me instead. "Whatever you say but i bet you're attending the party nonetheless, right?"

"Mhm. Might be a bit of a nerd but still like to enjoy this high school life." I admitted. "Alright. Let's go? I still need to fix up my makeup before the next miserable class." Linda's words brought my attention on her, watching as the both began moving and left.

"She wants to rail me. I can tell."

"God. You're delusional." I sighed out and slammed my locker closed, putting the backpack on my shoulder. "Delusional?! I'm not! Did you see how she caressed me? Oh yes! She wants me, Mads!"


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