2 - eye contact

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- Maddy -

I laid my pencil down and shut the sketch book as the bell went off but there was still no sight of this new teacher.

"Hey! Mads! I think i found the woman's facebook." I felt the tap from behind me and i turned around, ready to expect some wrinkly old woman which honestly was the description of Ms Hansley, our last art teacher.

"She's fucking pipping hot! God damn!" My other best friend added in and Ayden finally turned the screen towards me.

I literally froze. Mind stopping the train of thoughts i always needed for ideas and i just stared. This can't be such a damn coincidence! I've seen her. I just saw that face out my bedroom window last night.

My new art teacher is also my next door neighbor?

"I deeply apologize! I- oh heavens! I could not locate an open parking lot nor where this classroom was." A new voice bounced off the classroom walls and i finally managed to pull my eyes off Ayden's phone.

"Hi, everyone!" The same graceful walk i remember traveled from the door and over to the desk. The figure of a literal goddess setting multiple papers down whilst taking in breaths from the obvious jogging she had done to get here.

"I'm Lauren Hale. Obviously the new art teacher for you seniors and the juniors in this high school." Her smile filled the room, everyone even had gone quiet which was a rare thing since more than half of this class dislikes art.

"As i have arrived a bit late, i'll just get to the point. So, some days we'll work in the actual art class where we'll draw, sketch or anything that will be apart of the lessons plan. Now on other days we'll meet here, focus on education about this subject."

"My rules will be simple for what i'm expecting from you all. If you're good then you already have an advantage. Well if you're not then expect to be occupied a lot more but of course i will give you a helping hand. We're in this together and i'm only here to make these classes as fun as possible." Lauren explained and i couldn't be more impressed.

"Yeah. So. Any questions, maybe?" The woman asked, scanning around the classroom with the same smile she had on when walking in.

"Ms Hale?" A hand was raised by a girl.

"Go ahead. I don't bite."

That response.. So kind yet the tone so confident.

"Why exactly had Ms Hansley left?" I heard the question be asked that i was dying to know myself. "I'm unaware. Best source for the answer to that would be the principal. All i do know is that she had an urgent need to move and here i am now, taking over the job." She politely said. "Anything else?"

I watched her attention move away from my classmate and it was like i wanted it, like she knew it as her eyes went past me however traveled right back.

When our gazes locked, the rest of the world around me melted away, like it never existed before. I became lost in her deep green eyes, literally ready to drown if that's what it took for us to stay like this.

What am i even doing? Sure, i like girls but women? Never in my 18 years of living have i looked at a woman other than finding them attractive but this was something else, completely different as i wasn't just drawn to her appearance. Her whole soul was visible in my vision right now. Like we shared so many similar passions other than the one about art.

"Ehm.." The moment cut short as her hum came through, her eyes dropping down instead of gazing around to anyone else. "As we are in the education class already, we'll just start wherever you students had left off of." Lauren took a seat and opened the book.

"Edvard Munch was the artist we talked about last. We took a few notes of his works but that's about it." A classmate spoke in. "Oh great! Yes! Thank you." She ever so slightly gave them a glance and i couldn't help to smile, studying how effect she had gotten herself from just sharing a few seconds of eye contact.


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