Chapter 6

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"But I don't wanna come!!!!" I whined as I let myself fall on Martha's bed.

Martha threw a dress right at my face before turning back to her closet, trying to find something for me to dress up with. "You're coming. End of disscusion." She said.

I groaned and hugged a pillow. Martha insisted I would go out with her and her friends at the club, since "I never go anywhere except college and her place". It was very true but seriously... who cares?? I always enjoyed my time alone.

"Going out is such a waste of time. Like really... who doesn't wanna stay home and chill in their cozy bed?" I complained, earning a middle finger from Martha. "Dude, you're like an old grandma trapped in the body of a 20 year old, I swear to God." She said as she pulled out a red dress from her closet, a smirk groing on her face.

"Absolutely. Not." I shook my head. "Yep. You're totally wearing this." The blonde grinned proudly while staring at the dress.

I groaned for the millionth time that night and pulled the covers over my head. "I hate you." I mumble.

"That's not what you said the other night though." I could hear her smirking "Ohhh... Martha... right there..." She mocked me in an exaggerated high pitched voice. I suddently grabbed a pillow and threw it at her face, feeling how my face started to burn.


The music was so goddamn loud. I could feel my organs pounding with every loudass beat of the music. I scrunched my nose, which caused me to earn a punch in the arm from Martha "Okay, you grumpy face. Time to have fun." I rolled my eyes as she started pulling me to her group of friends. I really didn't want to be there.

I ended up drinking. A lot. It's not like I had anything else to do. Martha was making out with some older guy while her other friends were all drinking and filming eachother for their instagram posts. I was sitting alone at the bar, drinking from my, maybe 10th, gin.

After another few drinks, I stood up and went to the dance floor, starting to dance alone, running my hands through my hair.  It was so out of the characther for me to do such thing but we'll just blame it on the alcohol. Some dude started smirking at me and reached behind me, touching my hips and pressing my back against him. I just shrugged it off and kept dancing, too drunk to deal with any of it at the moment.

Soon enough, his hands started roaming and they moved down my thighs. I didn't try to push him away. "Let's go to the bathroom, princess..." he whispered in my ear. I said nothing as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

He grinned at me and leaned very close to my face. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. The man grabbed my chin and made me look towards him. I slowly closed my eyes and he took the advatage to kiss me. I let out a muffled moan and stood still. His hands moved once again to my thighs...

"Amy..." I mumbled, my back falling backwards. I could sense the confusion of the guy as he stopped his movements. I started stumbling on my feet, almost falling to the floor. The guy caught my arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I slowly opened my eyes. I swallowed and stepped away from him. "I need to pee..." I mumbled and walked in one of the stalls, positioning myself on the toilet seat.

I just stood there, even after I finished peeing. I heard the bathroom door unlocking and opening and I figured the guy had left. My eyes started burning for some reason and right after I felt a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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