Chapter 1

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Have you ever had one of those moments in which you realize how your life could just simply end and you wouldn't be able to even realize?

I was walking back home from the most exhausting day in my life. It was around 4 pm and it was already dark outside. I hate winters.

My body was trembling under my winter coat since the cool air was unbearable and I couldn't wait to get back to my small apartament, not that my apartment was warmer, but still.

I fastened my peace as I walked down the dark street. I hated how the building was placed in such a creepy area, but it was the cheapest I could find. My steps echoed around me and it was the only audible sound.

I finally passed by the last alley before the one my apartment was situated on, when suddently my heart stopped. My body freezed and my ears were ringing from the loud sound of the end. The smell of death, fear and blood. It all happened so soon, too soon.

She was just standing there watching as the life was flowing out of the guy's body that was now laying on the cold concrete, lifeless. Her tall figure... so powerful, confident.

I watched everything wide eyed and then, the world had stopped. Her head suddently turned towards me and, oh my God. I could feel those sharp, green eyes burning a hole right through my skull in the darkness. I held my breath and quickly hid behind the wall but it was too late. I was foolish. I should've ran away.

I took a deep breath and decided it would've been better if I showed her no fear, even though my hands were shaking so bad that I probably would've looked silly in other circumstances. I squinted my eyes through the darkness and there she was, her eyes fixed on me. The body was just laying there.

"Erm... did you just..." The woman simply stared at me. I swallowed. My throat was painfully dry. She started walking towards me and all I did was hold my breath as I noticed her athletic body.

Run! Run!! Run!!!

I stood still. "It was just a job, a simple job. I've done it hundreds of times." Her voice was cold, raspy. Not the slightest remorse for the act she had just comitted.

My eyes wondered to the dead guy for a moment of time. "H-Hundreds?..." The sirens of the police were ringing from far away. I widened my eyes and looked behind me but then I turned back and there was nothing. No trace of the woman. She was gone... fast like a river, I ran.

I locked the door of my apartment behind me, panting.


Two years later...

It was the middle of November. This girl, Marta from third year, insisted that I would go with her and her friends at the new club that opened in town. Of course I had to be the baby-sitter of the group while they all got wasted. I could've simply refused but Marta was one of the few people that I was actually getting along with therefore, I couldn't exactly do that. So there I was, dressed in my tight, black dress, sipping from my stupid glass of orange juice as Marta and her friends were dancing against random strangers on the dance floor. I eyed them, quietly as I started to zone out.

All of a sudden, a strong scent of an expensive perfume filled my nostrils. I looked up at the woman that just passed by me. She was dressed up so elegantly and that scent of hers... it was oddly familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it.

I sipped from my whiskey as I watched her confidently sit on a chair at the bar and order herself a drink. I smirked and walked up to her. "This seat taken?" I asked. She didn't even glance at me. There was this aura of superiority surrounding her and it was annoyingly hot.

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