I trailed off as Nolan's completely unimpressed, menacing blue eyes zeroed in on my face like daggers. Chuckling nervously, I swivelled my head to look back out at the sea.

"ANYWAY, long story short, I asked him if he wanted to be my Daddy. I didn't know much about BDSM but I watched a few porn videos, did some research in the library about my sexual preferences and relationship dynamics and thought hmm, I could use a Daddy. Ricky agreed. He'd demand I call him Daddy, spank me sometimes and boss me around. It was really theatrical!"

"How did things end?"

I huffed. "I found him cheating on me with one of the other boys in our group. He got pissed at me for throwing a fit - said that I should be grateful he was even agreeing to be mine since, you know, illiterate bug guy," I pointed at myself and made a face. Nolan didn't smile.

"He'd been cheating for a while, gave me an STD, we got into a physical fight when I found out, he retaliated by sleeping with my Mama andddd I set fire to his apartment."

"Fucking hell Reuben!"

"It was the one and only time I turned to arson I swear!" I protested. "You have to believe me! I did three months inside the pen and then I was a changed man!"

Nolan dropped my hand, stopping where we walked. He scrubbed his hands down his face as though searching for calm, and I waited patiently, chewing on my bottom lip. Should I call amber? Red? Was this too much for him? Sure I was pretty messed up by the whole thing and I used humour as a coping mechanism but I realised that it wasn't so easy for others to digest when I told them the story - others being Daddy Maseo.

I clasped my hands behind my back, poking at the planks beneath me with the toes of my boots. "Now you know why it's so hard for me to believe that everything will work out okay. Between us I mean. I'm not exactly a catch and... well, I'm a handful. It's only natural for me to mess things up." I shrugged.

Nolan's head shot up. "How exactly did you mess things up?"

I tilted my head, confused. "I couldn't read, my mama is a whore, I like bugs, I was homeless, stupid and really he was just being kind at first-"

"Kind?! Stop talking!" Nolan's face was red.

I snapped my mouth shut.

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!  What have I-

"He taunted you regarding your family situation, used your mother's proclivities to humiliate you, used shame and degrading language to keep you dependent on him and his attention by having you believe you didn't deserve love and would never find it anywhere else. He then cheated on you, gave you an STD that could have been fatal considering your living conditions, lack of medical access and financial situation at the time, then slept with your mother to spite you."

"Pretty much sums it up," I whispered, before clamping my mouth shut again at Nolan's answering glare.

"Little One, where exactly in that whole fucked up mess, did it sound like any of that was your fault?"

I shrugged, resisting the urge to call him out on how much he was swearing. Nolan was usually pretty PG and stuck up when it came to using the correct language. It was like all of that careful politeness had vacated the building and been replaced with rage. It was actually kind of hot. Shit, focus.

"You can't tell me because none of it was your fault. You didn't make him sleep with other men. You didn't make him sleep with your mother. Fuck, Reuben! He was a horrible, sorry excuse for a man - I won't even call him a Master or a Daddy because he was absolutely none of those things. He was a malicious man playing dress up and taking advantage of a vulnerable young boy. That is not your fault. None of it was."

Nolan's tone was sharp and unforgiving. I resisted the urge I had to shrink in on myself. Before I could, he motioned me forward. I walked into him quickly until our chests were pressed together and I was straining to look up at him. He cupped the back of my neck, squeezing hard, holding me to him. "It wasn't your fault. Say it. It wasn't my fault, Master Nolan."

"I-I can't," I murmured, my vision blurring. "It was... everything is."

"Reuben. There are some things we can control and other things we can't. What happened to you, all the abuse you suffered, was not your fault. No one in their right mind should blame or judge you for the trauma you went through, not even yourself. I want you to tell me that you know it wasn't your fault." He demanded.


Nolan urged me, tugging me even closer, pressing his forehead against mine. "Trust me. Trust your Master. I am telling you that it is not your fault. Believe me, boy. Believe your Master."

I couldn't argue with that. He had me weak in the knees, in the heart, only wanting to obey him. I couldn't disagree with my Master, not when he was asking me to believe in him.

"It's not my fault, Master Nolan." I whispered and he kissed away my tears.

"Again, Little One."

"It's not my fault, Master Nolan," I repeated, sagging against him.

"Good boy. When you start blaming yourself, when you start speculating all the ways you messed up, I want you to come and tell me. We'll get rid of those thoughts together."


"Soon I'm going to introduce you to my whip. For now, let's get you back home to Daddy. We still have a long night ahead of us."

"Yes, Master Nolan."


A/N: Reuben would fully be that crazy ex who sets your house on fire or takes a baseball bat to your car when you wrong him and I love it 😃 Fuck Ricky.

Okay, you're all up to date on chapters for now! I'll post again once I've submitted my dissertation! See you later friends! ☺️👋🏾


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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