Chapter 13

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"He hurt me."

Nolan's large hand tightened around mine, our clasped fingers and arms gently swinging between our bodies as we walked over the wooden planks down by the pier. The water was so dark, it blended in with the night sky, the horizon line invisible aside from the flashing lights of passing cargo boats in the distance.

My belly was full of pizza and fries from the food stands open for the evening. Master Nolan had even let me get a slushy and candy floss from one of the sellers! My stomach was so freaking happy! And so was my heart!

Walking along the pier with Nolan was romantic. Disgustingly romantic, but in a good way. The kind of way that made my gut tight with cockroach flutters and my booty clench with anticipation! I was in love, I was so in love, that even talking about my first Daddy didn't have me in the usual mental chaotic mindset I drowned in when thinking about him. Nolan just made things easier that way.

"Not physically - I mean only when I wanted him to of course, but up here," I tapped my forehead as I continued. "He was the best at hurting me here. His name was Ricky and I met him in one of my foster homes. He was older than me by a couple of years and aged out of the system."

I sighed, remembering how charming he was back then, like a wanna-be punk with his green hair, black clothes and facial piercings. Now, I knew he was pretending to be something he wasn't and I was too stupid and naive to realise. Back then when I had nothing, I thought he was so cool, so fucking badass and I was okay with him taking care of me when the other boys in the home got too rough.

"He disappeared for a little bit, then I aged out and met him again. He did drug dealing here and there, and used to hang around with the boys I did robbing stints with," I admitted sheepishly. I knew Nolan wasn't entirely ignorant to the trouble I'd gotten up to before Daddy swooped in and rescued me from peril like the tall, dark and handsome Prince Charming he was.

"Anyway, he thought it was kind of funny? The stuff that happened with my Mama. Sometimes, he'd send me to run drugs or steal where he knew I'd see her whoring. It was like a game to him? He used to joke that maybe I'd find her with a man who might just be my dad."

"That's disgusting," Nolan spat darkly and I looked up at him, eyes wide. He squeezed my hand even tighter, cutting off the circulation to my fingertips but I didn't protest, letting the bite of pain keep me in the present. "Taking advantage of your family situation and taunting you with your trauma is disgusting."

I nodded. "Yeah. I'd get pretty angry with him but then he'd buy me take-out or kiss me or hold me in bed or sit with me in the park at night, telling me he'd always be there for me even though I was stupid. My not being able to read was cute and my lack of social skills entertaining," I rolled my eyes.

The bar of standards for dating dominants or any men for that matter, when I was eighteen, was literally in hell. Actually below it. In satan's plumming.

"He sounds like a piece of shit."

I laughed, pressing my cheek into Nolan's bicep. "He was, but Nolan... back then, before Daddy found me, I was a complete mess. I was practically homeless, I was walking around voluntarily with bugs in my clothes and I was constantly looking to appease my submissive side while being violent and fighting to stay alive on the street. It was a weird time. Like the teenage awkward phase!" I clicked my fingers.

"Except it lasted longer! Ricky paid attention to me and I thought holy shit, he must be the love of my life because he doesn't look at me like I'm a creepy alien just out of the asylum! He actually touches me! He actually has sex with me! He willingly put his dick in my butt and we had an audience of roaches watching! It was-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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