Chapter 10

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Unsurprisingly, Reuben was well behaved throughout the entirety of the day. He went to class, ate his packed lunch, came home, helped me unpack some more of my belongings, then accompanied Maseo in the kitchen to help the other man cook his own dinner.

I'd been hearing 'Yes Daddy, please Daddy, thank you Daddy' and 'Yes Master Nolan, please Master Nolan, thank you Master Nolan', sung sweetly on repeat since my proposed date this morning.

It seemed my Little One could really be the sweetest boy in the batch when he set his mind to it and it was like watching him pull on another persona. A boy eager to serve, quick to offer his obedience and his gorgeous, blushing smiles. It was certainly comical watching him rock back and forth on his heels innocently with his hands clasped behind his back every time he wanted something, or watch him bat his long, dark eyelashes and flush pink whenever he was praised - which consequently happened a lot today.

Our spunky boy was still present of course, but Reuben's erratic behaviour and sometimes impulsive thoughts and words had dissipated for the most part. He stopped to think, the cogs and wheels of his brilliant, yet disorganised mind weighing up the consequences of his words or actions before he did them to determine if they were acceptable or not.

It showed that he was very much capable of regulating himself when he put his mind to it and definitely under the right circumstances.

I'd made sure I was extra patient with him and praised him obsessively whenever he stopped, thought and made the right choice. It was unusual for me to shower any boy in overaffection, but even I was aware that Reuben needed that bit of extra encouragement and it wouldn't be interpreted as softness or overindulgence.

Around lunch time, Eva had gotten the cat zoomies after lunch and despite Reuben's obvious discomfort and annoyance at her prancing around his bugs, he'd refrained from swatting at her, screaming, or swearing up a storm. Instead, he'd gotten my attention and asked me to make her stop.

It was small things like that, where he really took the time to diffuse his own emotions and think about his next move instead of just exploding into a reaction that made me especiallyproud of him and I'd made sure to tell him.

Once I'd trapped Eva in the living room to calm down, I'd gone over to Reuben and stroked my fingers through his fluffy hair, tilting his head back and peppering kisses all over his confused face. I'd kissed his forehead, his cheeks, his chin, his nose and then eventually his lips.

He'd crooned, hands grabbing at my chest, fingers tangling in my shirt as he held on for dear life. Eventually I'd released him, slipping my tongue from between his damp lips and he'd blinked wide eyes up at me, panting for air.

"What was that for?"

"For being patient with my cat and asking me for help when you needed it. Good boy, Reuen. Keep it up. Thank you for trying your best."


Then his face had gotten even redder and he'd scrambled out of my arms, running off - presumably to hide for a little while, embarrassed of his gorgeous blushing and hard cock. His submissive side was being nurtured the hell out of and I could see the effect our positive attention had on him.

While I was aware he was only on his best behaviour because he was sexually high strung and craving a good fucking, I knew that today would be a massive learning experience for Reuben who was allowed to see the full effect of good behaviour. From rewards, to attention to just the heightened positive way he was feeling, he was able to experience it alland I was positive he'd want more.

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