Chapter 11

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'Talk to him.'

Daddy's parting words rang around inside my head like a bell being rung by a scantily clad twink after a round of boxing. But the fight was yet to start and I felt adrenaline like I was preparing to defend my life! I was so nervous I was biting my lip and bouncing my legs like a crackhead!

Talk to him?! About what?! Yes, I was going to act as though I didn't know what Daddy was referring to. Yes, that made me petty. But can you really blame me for not wanting to disclose my messy past?! I was harbouring secrets like a widowed witch at a reading of the will. Plot twist, she he killed him!

But what was I supposed to say to Master Nolan?

'Hey, by the way, my mother was a drug using prostitute and now I have crippling mummy issues, haha, relatable, right?'

'Fun fact, I stole two hundred dollars off Daddy before we went on our first date by threatening to gut him with a knife behind a petrol station. He actually handed it over, a guy of his size, what a goofball.'

'I was a bit of a criminal back in the day, me. Can you imagine? Hahaha, I know, this beautiful face doesn't look like it, does it? But yes, I used to rob people and assault people all the time and it was fun, I even did some time in the pen - don't look at me like I'm a psycho!'

Sighing dramatically I clunked my head against the window of the car, watching the trees and buildings fly past as Master Nolan drove us to devil knows where. I was excited, my stomach was fluttering with butterflies I hadn't felt in a very long time. But I was also scared, terrified even.

Looking down, I went to consult Mister Hopper, only to remember that I'd left him at home to take care of Daddy. It felt like a physical support had been removed from underneath me, leaving me unstable and just a little bit lost.

I knew inside that it wasn't normal or healthy to be so devastatingly emotionally attached to my cricket, but he was the only constant in my life I could trust to never leave me. He was my everything, my safety.

Instead of Mister Hopper, Spotikus was staring back at me. He was offended, I could tell in the agitated way he swung his horn left and right, and I winced, only feeling a slight amount of guilt. I loved him dearly, but he was Spotikus the first, while I'd had thirteen Mister Hoppers so far.

He had a lot of catching up to do. Though I was happy he was with me. No hard feelings!

"You okay, boy? How are you feeling?"

Master Nolan's deep, firm voice broke through the quiet of the car. The radio was playing lowly in the background and it was getting dark, aside from the bright street lights and headlights on the other cars. Almost magical. I loved driving at night, it was like driving through fireflies!

I ignored his question, instead asking one of my own. "Where are we going?"

Both he and Daddy had been pretty tight lipped about this date and I was left wriggling on the edge of my seat with anticipation. Was it a fancy restaurant? Were we going to the club? No, it wouldn't be right to go without Daddy...

"You're impatient," he chuckled. "Don't deflect. Answer my question first."

Nope! I didn't want to tell him how I was feeling because I didn't understand it myself!

"Where are you taking me?! Tell me, I just wanna know! I hate surprises!"

"If you don't tell me right now, I'll scream so that people on the street think I'm being kidnapped! I will! Are you testing me right now? Is this a test?! HELP, I'M BEING KIDNAPPED BY A SEXY HUNK IN SLACKS! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

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