Chapter 18:Victory Day!

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Kanata:So this is the MNB Chthulhu...

Rinsui:A Naval Fortress...

Yagou:Impressive isn't it?

Breweye:Admiral! Look! *Points at the IPN Conrado D. Yap* thats the same Warship during the Naval Battle i witnessed!

Pancare:Incredible... such power... very imposing...

Nou:This is the Warship that took on the 4000 Lourian Warships?

Breweye:Yes, but the first to make contact that over there *Points at the IPN Oratrice*

Pancare:A force of only 9... and yet they came victorious over 4000 defeated...

The cruise ship move in as they keep their eyes around, seeing the Civiliazation area as they are impressed and amazed, the cruise ship eventually reached the Gate


Location:West Philippine Sea

As they exit the gate, they are seen by many Coast Guard Boats seeing outside and including another MNB, the Sierra Madre...

Nou:So this is the other side... seems like they are very serious when it comes to protecting whats coming in or out of the gate

As the cruise ship continues it's journey... they now have arrived at Manila Bay, Seeing the Legendary "Concrete Warship" the IPN Fort Drum Battlecarrier

Pancare:A Warship... made out of concrete?! Impossible! What on earth is the MHLE even more capable of!?

As the cruise continues... they have now reached the coast of Manila... and seen the most imposing and intimidating Warships... The Bismarck, Graf Spee, Yamato, Musashi, Iowa, KGV, Hood, Montana, Texas, Lapulapu, Heneral Luna.

Pancare:What an Intimidating Fleet docked here...

Kanata:the power of the GAU Organization....

As they docked, they met up with the escorts, consists of 1 Armored Limo, 3 Humvees, and 2 M3 Bradleys.

Nou:An Incredible escort, I seen this that one (M3 Bradley) during their recapture of Gim...

Timeskip, brought to you by Keith cooking up a very unhealthcare thing


Location:MHLE, Manila, 2nd GAU HQ

Kanata:So... this is where the Leaders of this world are...

Rinsui:Quite an beautiful place for a HQ...

Yagou:The Leaders of the GAU Nations are just waiting for us, the Military Parade will soon be starting

They then enter the building, as they witness the sight of the IPPs as they are overwhelmed by the sheer force might of the Primarchs... as they continue to walk in...

Keith:Welcome to the Maharlika Empire, 2nd GAU HQ, Qua-Toyne Principality, I am Keith R. Brussett, the Emperor of the Maharlika Empire *Smile*

Kanata:Thank you for the Invitation, Emperor Brussett, i am very grateful for you and your ally UAC's help in time of need...

Keith:Your welcome, Gentlemen, let me introduce to you the President of the UAC

Ant:Hello Gentlemen... i am Ant357627, my real name is classified, i am the President of the United American Continents

Kanata:It is nice to meet you President, thank you for joining in the war with your ally the MHLE

Ant:Well we can't just let the Lourian's continue their discriminatory killings, it had to be stopped

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