Chapter 11: Final Stages I (Lourian-Qua/GAU War - VII)

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"Listen up - There is no war that will end all wars"

-Haruki Murakami


Kanata:An operation to gain control of Louria Kingdom's capital.... Is something like that possible?!

Gordon:If GAU can arrest the King of Louria at the request of the Qua-Toyne Dukedom, After that-- please leave it to us.

Short timeskip

Gordon:<Field Marshal Yap, this is Major Gordon, come in, over>

Conrado:<Field Marshal Yap, hear you loud and clear, Major, over>

Gordon:<Sir, the Germans have joined in the reinforcements are coming in hot, over>

Conrado:<What kind of reinforcements? over>

Gordon:<Primarchs, Over>

Conrado:<My god, the Emperor sent us Space Marines-- Alright, tell them to keep moving, won't be long till were going in Blitzkrieg, over>

Gordon:<Roger, Major Gordon, Over and out>

"Lord Maus, the report states that the attack by Maharlika Empire and UAC used magic weapons?" The noble ask

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"Lord Maus, the report states that the attack by Maharlika Empire and UAC used magic weapons?" The noble ask

Lord Maus:Fumu... I'm afraid i do not possess the knowledge... General Patagene, what's your opinion?

Patagene:W-well... as there's one who has extensive knowledge regarding the matter. *Glance* Let's ask our Royal Court Magician, Yamirei.

Yamirei:Hmmmmm. The legends... Arrows of that light chase you... Ancient Magic [Guided-Light Bullets]. Could it be... Maharlika Empire is the Ravernal Empire??

Many are shock when Yamirei spoke when he tries to reveal that Maharlika Empire is the Ravernal Empire

Lord Maus:Anyway, based on the present conditions, we should assume that Maharlika Empire and UAC Forces will advance to our capital

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Lord Maus:Anyway, based on the present conditions, we should assume that Maharlika Empire and UAC Forces will advance to our capital

Patagene:Let's use every defensive wyvern unit left at the capital for night overwatch. Strengthen the surveillance system around the capital, make everyone stay on full alert

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