Chapter 2:Contact

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Location: Maharlika Empire, MNB Chthulhu.

As it is morning, the leaders of Botswana and UAC and Philippine Empire are having a nice talk and a perfect morning coffee

"What happened to you?" 221Sept. Looked at Keith in curiosity?

"I don't wanna talk about it" Keith said in a normal tone as his legs are shaking a little

"I think you should add some milk in your coffee" Ant375627 suggested

"Yeah yeah" Keith takes his suggestion and Added Bear Brand in his Coffee and then drinks it "ahh~ nothing beats a nice Coffee in the morning"

"Definately" Ant37562 agrees

"Yup" 221Sept also agrees

"So whats our next move?" Ant said in curiosity

"Air Reconnaisance" Keith said it in a Straight up manner

"Which direction should we take?" 221Sept. Ask Keith

"West" Keith answered

"Alright, lets send the flyboys" Ant. Agrees with Keith

"I say 3 joint Air Reconnaisance" Keith Suggested

"What kind of Joint Operation?" 221Sept. Asked

"My single E-3 and 2 F4U Corsairs Mk.V, UAC's 2 F-22 Raptors, and Botswana's 2 Mig-29 Fulcrums" Keith Listed down

"I can work with that" 221Sept said in acceptance

"Im in" Ant. Also joins in agreement

"Alright, guess it's settled" Keith makes it final

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IPN Manila-Class Supercarrier along with the USS Nimitz, and along with the Subsmerge Types are hiding in plain sight

'IPN Manila'

Pinoy Control:<Overseer-1, you are clear to take off, over>

Pinoy E-3 (Overseer-1):<Roger that control> *takes off*

Pinoy Control:<Seeker-1 and Seeker-2, your cleared take off, over>

Pinoy Zero (Seeker-1):<Wilco, over>

Pinoy Zero (Seeker-2):<Copy, over>

Both Zeroes took off to join Overseer-1

Pinoy Control:<Cracker-1, and Cracker-2, you both are clear for take off, over>

USB Mig-29 (Cracker-1):<Roger, over>

USB Mig-29 (Cracker-2):<Roger Roger>

Both Mig-29s took off to join Overseer-1

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