Chapter 5

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Sylas panicked, tossing the phone when his door opened. His heart was beating out of his chest. There was no way Aaliyah was back already. Right?


“Hey, Sylas. How do you feel, babe? What's wrong?” Aaliyah asked when she saw the the unreadable expression on his face. He shrugged asking if she could close the door.

“I can't while I'm in here, I'm sorry.”

“Please” Aaliyah looked down the hallway and when she didn't See the floor manager, she closed the door. It wasn't fully closed but it wasn't wide open either.

“I brought you some stuff, I bet it can get quite boring down here. But there's a lot of restrictions about what I can bring down here.” She sat on the floor and began unpacking her tote bag.

“ I brought you some extra bottoms, just in case you need to change. They closed the bathrooms on this floor. Sorry. I got you some Wipes, water. I'm not allowed to bring you food unless it's your meal or a snack, and some entertainment. I don't know if you read but I brought some books. And these” She Held up the bluetooth headphones. She knew nurses didn't check inside the rooms but she still didn't want to get in trouble.

“Why are you doing this all for me?”

“Because I don't want you to be bored, dehydrated or sitting in a mess all day.”

“I mean going out of your way. It's like you want me to get better more than I want myself to get better.

"Honestly Sylas. You all are people at the end of the day and you all have your reasons for substance use and abuse. That doesn't mean you deserve to be treated like you're less than. You need help and I'm giving it to you.  Locking you in a room for months at a time like they do isn't going to help you. It's going to hurt you. You will drive yourself insane and then go down a road that's almost impossible to come back from. I dont want that for any of you, especially you. You have a reason to live. I know you do. You know you do. That's why you're still here. Otherwise you would have checked yourself out."

Sylas hugged Aaliyah.

"Please don't leave me here alone. It's doing things to me"

"Sylas . . . " Aaliyah would but she was afraid that she'd get written up. She had a feeling Sylas would get her into some trouble.

"Please I won't hurt you. I promise"

Aaliyah shook her head.

"Sylas I can't. I'm Sorry"

Sylas pulled away from Aaliyah.  A look of hurt on his face. He walked over to the door pushing it closed. There was only a keypad on the outside. Now Aaliyah was locked in with him


"You made me do that!! You made me!!" He shouted at Aaliyah who flinched in fear.

"Okay. Calm down."

"I told you I didn't want to be alone" Sylas cried.

"You're right and I'm sorry."

"Are you serious or Just saying that?"

"I'm really sorry."

"I forgive you. But don't hurt me again. You won't like it if you do" He hugged a frightened Aaliyah.

"Okay, what do we do now?" Sylas asked as if he didn't just threaten the woman.

"Ohh can we watch a movie?"

Aaliyah nodded. She handed Sylas the headphones.

"Thanks! I kind of lost your phone so um. . .I'll look for it now"  Sylas didn't have to do much looking.

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