Chapter 2

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Sylas laid in his bed and while it was comfortable, he wasn't able to sleep or get out of bed. He called his nurse.



“What's wrong?”

“I'm hungry.”

“Well you refused all meals, I can't help you”

“Please. I'm starving, man.”

“I can't help you. You have to wait until morning.”

“Fuck you. Get out.” He pulled his covers over his head.

“Do you want-”

“I said get out. Get me a new nurse!”

“Who are you talking to?”

“You, the fuck. Get out” the nurse walked over to Sylas roughing him up a bit.

“You better watch it.”

“Or what?” He threw the fragile man to the floor. Sylas groaned in pain when he landed on his ankle funny.

The nurse left the room and locked it from the outside.

“Wait. I'm sorry. Hey!” The lights went out and he knew he was fucked. At least only for the time being. It's only a few hours until breakfast, only no one came.

He really had to use the bathroom but he couldn't move his leg.


“NURSE!!” He called for the man but he was ignored. He sat up and grabbed the cup on the table. He decided to urinate in it so he didn't make a mess on the floor. He didn't know how long he could stay in this place. He had a bad headache but other than that he was fine.

He repeatedly pushed the button for his nurse.

“What do you want?”

“I just need a pain killer. I think you broke my leg.” the nurse refused until he saw his ankle. He left the room and returned with a full bottle of ibuprofen and a bottle of water.

“Now stop pushing that goddamn button.”

“can you at least take me to the hospital?”

“No, You're not about to get me fired. Pop some pills and suck it up” he slammed the door locking it again. Although Sylas wasn't complaining.

He put a pill under the coffee table trying to crush it. He was just getting desperate and anything he could get his hands on would do. He used his hand to sweep the powder from under the table leg and crushed another one. He swept it onto some paper and rolled up another piece. Was it cocaine? no but it wasn't the drug for him. It was just the muscle memory, and the burning sensation in his nostrils. He sneezed a few times and decided to give it a rest. He laid his head on the sofa and passed out. He spent majority of his day asleep or completely strung out, flowing in and out of consciousness.

Day and night came and went and no one came back for him. Five star rehab center his ass.

Things went from bad to worse when three days passed and no one came to check on him. He was starving and laying in a pile of his own mess as he shook uncontrollably. He just wasn't doing well.


“Help me please” He called faintly hoping to grab someone's attention but his voice was too faint.

He decided to help himself. He tried to stand up on his left leg but quickly crashed to the floor. He was too disoriented. He only moved a total of two feet in the last three days.

Hearing the thud, Chris, his nurse, came into the room. He immediately covered his nose.

“Shit man. What the fuck. I left you for a few hours.”

“Please get me some food.”

“You have to wait until Breakfast”

“Get me some fucking food!” He spat at the man, acting out of pure anger.

“You better watch where you spitting.”

“Get me some food.”

“Whatever” He left the room and Sylas realized he left the door open. He army crawled closer to the door trying to get help.

“excuse me-” the nurse threw the tray of food at him and slammed the door. The milk soiled his clothes and that was the final straw for him. He began cursing the man out, unable to cause any physical damage.


“Sylas. Calm down”



“It's Desmond” He opened his eyes looking around. He refused to believe that it was all a dream. It all felt so real.

“It's me. Calm down.”

“I want a new nurse! Get me a new one! And some food, I'm hungry.” Desmond smiled assuming he was just cranky and needing a fix.

“you haven't even met your nurse. Do you want to call her and ask her for some food?”

“When did you get here?”

“I never left, you've only been sleeping for about an hour or two, bubba.” Desmond was starting to worry about his brother.

“Let's call your nurse.”

“No! No!”

“What happened?”

“He was neglecting me and beating me up and calling me names, Dez”

“No one called you any names or beat you up here. You've been asleep since you got admitted.”

“He broke my ankle and I haven't eaten and I'm hungry. I'm a person too. I need food and water and I want to be clean”

“Did you have a bad dream?” When he nodded, Desmond got into his brother's bed hugging him. When he was younger he would have the worst night terrors.

“I felt so real, Dez. He was so mean.”

“I bet. I bet he was.”

“He was nicer than, daddy”


“Well kinda” Both their heads turned to the door when a woman knocked before poking her head in.

“Hey, you're up” She came into the room and Sylas looked at Desmond for answers.

“This is your nurse, Sy”

“Hi, I'm Sylas”

“Hi, My name is Aaliyah and I've been assigned as your nurse for your stay.If you need anything just let me know, okay? Nothing is too big or too small. ” Her warm smile put him at ease but he was still afraid.

“Food, Dez” He whispered.

“Ask her, I won't be here the whole time.”

“Can I please have some food, Aaliyah?”

“Of course. Lunch just passed so it'll take the chef a little while to make you a meal, can I grab you a snack?”

“Yes please”

“Would you like a peanut butter and jelly-”

“Yes please.”

“I'll go grab that for you right away.” She left and Sylas exhaled.

“She seems nice.”

“I hope she is.”

Word Count:1065
Date Published: 03-25-2024

Healing Him Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora