chapter nine

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Gabriel has raced with the Vipers for many years. He came from the rough part of town where people often resorted to theft and violence to survive. His talent as a pickpocket caught the attention of the Vipers during a pursuit. Impressed by his speed and agility, they took him in and taught him the ways of illegal street racing. Gabriel soon became known for his exceptional driving abilities and rose to become a prominent member of the Vipers, eventually leading the crew. Despite the risks and challenges of underground racing, his loyalty to the team never wavered. In Gabriel's world, racing served as a means of escaping his troubled past and dreaming of a brighter tomorrow - even if it involved bending the rules.

Sylvie, on the other hand, couldn't shake off the frustration that bubbled up inside her whenever she crossed paths with Gabriel, the mysterious racer who had always been a thorn in her side. Their history was painted with intense competition, fiery debates, and an unyielding rivalry that fueled the underground racing community. Despite their mutual love for racing, Sylvie and Gabriel clashed like a storm waiting to unleash its lightning. "Gabriel," Sylvie remarked, her words tinged with a blend of irritation and sarcasm. "What a surprise to see you here. Still fighting to prove you're the best, huh?"

Gabriel's grin widened, and he leaned casually against a nearby racing car. "You know me, Sylvie. Always looking for a new challenge. Maybe one day you'll catch up."

"Don't count on it."

Gabriel's grin didn't waver, and he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, conspiratorial tone. "You always were a dreamer, Sylvie. But in this world, dreams don't win races."

Sylvie's jaw clenched as she felt a spark of anger ignite within her. She knew Gabriel was no stranger to bending the rules, even breaking them, to secure victory. His reputation in the underground racing scene was tainted with stories of sabotage and underhanded tactics.

"I'd rather lose with honour than win by cheating," Sylvie smirked.

He chuckled, a sinister edge to the sound. "Honor won't get you very far. You'll learn that eventually. You've always been stubborn. Let's make a little wager, shall we?"

Sylvie's brow furrowed, her instincts telling her that making any sort of deal with Gabriel was a catastrophe waiting to happen. "What kind of wager?"

His smile widened, revealing a glint of malice in his eyes. "A race, of course. If you win, I'll give you my pink slip. But if I win..."

Sylvie's eyes narrowed.

"...You'll race for me, Sylvie," he stated. "And not just any race, but the most dangerous, high-stakes race this city has ever seen."

As Gabriel's words lingered in the air, Sylvie couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. Racing against Gabriel meant diving headfirst into a world of cutthroat competition and underhanded tactics, where victory often came at the expense of integrity. But Sylvie wasn't just racing for the win.

With a steadying breath, she squared her shoulders and met Gabriel's icy stare with a resolve of her own. "Alright. Let's do this."

Gabriel's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "It's a deal, Sylvie. Get ready for the race of your life."

As Sylvie walked away from her tense confrontation with Gabriel, Demetra approached her, concern etched across her face.

"Hey," she began, her voice low and sincere, "are you sure about this? Racing against Gabriel is like dancing with the devil himself."

"I know it's risky, Dem."

Demetra sighed, running a hand through her hair. "You know the kind of races Gabriel is into. They're dangerous, often illegal. You might be risking your life out there."

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