Kiss cam

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Sorry for the wait!!!

Plenty more drama in this chapter + a new banger to listen to :D


Eita's team, the Raijins, were doing extremely well against their opponents, who were the infamous Benzaitens. The Benzaitens were well known for being rough and violent against their opponents, elbowing and shoving their markers outside the referee's line of sight.

Kaiser seemed to be rooting for the Benzaitens, as every time the Raijins scored, he would groan or curse under his breath. Karasu felt satisfaction at hearing Kaiser's despair, proudly watching Otoya dunk multiple balls effortlessly into the basket. 'He's definitely showing off today,' Karasu thought to himself as Otoya waved in their direction, flashing a dazzling smile after scoring his fifth dunk so far.

"Damn he's good," y/n remarked, and her eyes followed Otoya's movements closely, sparkling in surprise.

Refusing to be outdone by his best friend, Karasu responded by saying, "You should come and watch one of my games sometime. I'm much better than him. And ice hockey is more interesting."

"Can I actually come and watch? I'm warning you now that no one in the crowd will be able to restrain me from getting my hands on you once I see you in your kit," y/n laughed.

"Well, the lockers are always free after the match," he said suggestively.

Y/n waved a hand in front of her. "Don't tempt me," she complained.

"Ya really have a thing for athletes, don't ya?" Karasu laughed at her, before a thought occurred to him. "Hold on... When ya said you liked basketballers and whatnot, and Rin brought up yer ex, was he talking about Kaiser?"

Y/n sighed. "Nah, he was talking about my other ex, who did boxing. We have a lot going on between us, but I'll tell you about him sometime, if you're interested."

"Sure." Karasu replied, now extremely curious about this ex.

The shrill sound of the whistle pierced through the air, signalling the end of the first quarter. The Raijins were winning 37-29, and Kaiser scoffed loudly from behind them. He seemed to be trying hard to get y/n's attention. The girl continued to ignore him.

Karasu leaned his head closer to y/n, and his breath fanned her hair as he exhaled. "Seems like he hasn't gotten over you yet," he whispered in her ear, and his lips brushed over the shell of her ear, tickling her slightly.

"I don't think you're making things any better," y/n grinned back.

Karasu shrugged. "Not my problem."

"Not mine either."

They smiled at each other, and the whistle blew, signalling the start of the second quarter.


As the second quarter was nearing its end, the Raijins were not faring well against their opponents. The non-stop dirty play from the Benzaitens was starting to take its toll, as more than one player began to limp, evidently in pain after their foot had purposefully been stepped on by their opponents. Otoya had been especially targeted, due to his large contribution to his team in the first half. He now sported two large bruises on his thigh and bicep, thanks to the shoving and elbowing from the captain of the Benzaitens.

Y/n understood why Kaiser supported this team. Their cruel and harsh way of thinking was very aligned with his own thoughts. Plus they had a hot manager who he probably wanted to bang.

Internally shaking her head, she continued to watch the match, pissed at the useless referee who seemed to be blind to the blatant cheating that was happening under his nose. 

"Fucking useless twat," she muttered.

"This is ridiculous," Karasu sighed, just as one of Otoya's teammates got shoved to the ground.

The score was 55-57 to the Benzaitens, with only a few seconds left of the second quarter.

Otoya seemed to be unaffected by his bruises, as he scored a three-pointer in spite of his opponent, who was trying to jostle his arm the whole time. Both y/n and Karasu stood up and cheered loudly over the whistle, which signalled the end of the first half.

The score was 58-57 to the Raijins.

Y/n quickly turned around and flipped Kaiser and Ness off, before whipping around and sitting back in her chair. Karasu laughed outright at the shock on Kaiser's face, before he sat back down with her.

As Karasu settled back into his seat, he heard Kaiser mutter, "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Amused, he glanced behind him to look at the man, who was starting ahead in horror. Following his line of sight, Karasu was met with the image of him and y/n plastered on the massive screen ahead of him.


He was on the kiss cam.

With y/n.


Let's go.


This chapter is a bit short but plenty more excitement will be in the next chapter!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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