Wow drama

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"Shit shit shit," y/n muttered to herself, sprinting out of the car park. "Hurry up, Karasu!" she yelled to the man behind her.

"Shut up!" He shouted, nearly tripping over himself as he tried to catch up to the girl. "It's your fault we're late."

Y/n stopped running suddenly, and turned around as Karasu rammed into her, surprised that she'd stopped.

"Are we gonna make out right now?" Karasu smirked, noticing how close their lips were. Any closer and he'd have her pinned against a random car.

Y/n seemed to be thinking the same thing as she hurriedly pushed him off of her. She grabbed his hand and began running towards the basketball arena. "As romantic as making out in a car park sounds, Otoya's gonna skin you alive if we're late to his match." She huffed, tugging Karasu along with her.

"How come you're not going to get skinned?"

"I'm too pretty. Hurry up." Y/n abruptly switched to walking, handing two tickets to the lady in the office with a smile.

"All good, enjoy." The lady responded boredly, handing back the slips of paper.

Ignoring her rudeness, y/n beamed, and pulled Karasu towards their seats.

Once they were comfortably seated, y/n turned to him.

"Hey, where's Otoya? I can't find him on the cour-" She was cut off as a pair of lips pressed against hers, stopping her from speaking. They were soft, and tasted slightly of honey. Y/n could see Karasu's eyes as wide open in surprise as hers.

Surprise that y/n was kissing another man.

"Hey there princess," the man smirked. "How's your little band doing? Is this a new member?"

His blue eyes looked affectionately into hers, and he rested his hand lightly on her shoulder, gently caressing her arm. But what stood out most to Karasu was not the expensive watch on his wrist, or the man sat next to him staring daggers at y/n. It was his ratty nasty haircut and peculiar tattoo on his neck. A rose.

Y/n smiled up at the mystery man, who was sat on the row of seats behind her. She tilted her head slightly, holding his arm, before she yanked, hard. The man yelped slightly as he was pulled out of his seat. The girl then slapped his hand off of her, making noises of disgust. She grabbed a tissue out of her bag and vigorously wiped her lips, before reapplying her lip gloss.

"Ew," she snapped

Karasu was speechless.

"Why so cold, princess? Still holding a grudge?" He pouted fakely, clearly making fun of her.

Y/n turned back to Karasu. "Do you think finding your boyfriend sleeping with your cousin is worth holding a grudge?" y/n asked sincerely. Registering the shock in his eyes, she smiled. "Yeah, maybe i overreacted." She grinned at the mystery man, but her eyes remained cold.

"What do you want, Michael?"

"Don't talk to him like that," the man who was sitting next to Michael snapped.

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