chapter 3

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Megumi looked though the contract his foster father just offered him for a second before tossing it back on the tea table

"I don't want to. I won't. Give it to someone else"

He heard a few sighs, a few growls and a few cusses under breaths

"Megumi, you can't just reject good offers like these. This can absolutely change your life."

Geto said back

"Yes, the pay is more than a few million USD. It can be life changing. You won't ever get a chance like this, Megumi. Don't act childish"

Their financial manager, Nanami Kento explained

Megumi just hummed, still scrolling through his phone

Of course Megumi didn't listen to a single word that was coming out of their mouths

Now you might be thinking why he didn't want to do a multi million dollar campaign right?

Well the answer was simple

He planned to quit being a model after he turned 18 and he'll turn 18 in 8 months. The contract itself was for two whole years

So it's not like he didn't want the money, but the time limits didn't add up

"Brat, are you even listing to us? We're talking to you. Put that fuckin phone down. We're having a serious conversation here"

His uncle, Naoya Zenin said in an irritated voice

Megumi sighed and put the phone back on his pocket. He rarely had any expression on his face as he stared at them

"I don't understand why y'all are wasting your time and energy in this. I said I won't sing it so it won't"

Again he heard a growl

"Kid, don't you understand we are asking you to do this for your own good. "

Choso asked with a much softer voice

Megumi looked indifferent

"Okay that's it, brat. As your father, I can sign this for you and I will. I won't let you lose a chance like this. You can't ruin your life like this?"

Toji said while gritting his teeth

To everyone's surprise Megumi smiled back at him

"Like you ruined my life by being in it?"

His question left everyone momentarily startled

Before Toji could answer back

"You want to sign those papers right? Go ahead, be my guest "

He said in a overly sweet voice that left them a little more happier. Thinking the boy might have got his shit back and will agree to sign the contract

Oh how wrong they were

Because just mere seconds later, Megumi plopped one of his legs on the other, making himself more comfortable before he threw the bombshell

"But 8 months later, I'll turn 18 and you won't have any power over me... And I'll destroy you for signing this-

He watched with a satisfied smirk as everyone widened their eyes

"I'll not go there, sue you for miss using my name and signing a contract as this without my consent and on top of that, the brand itself will drag you to court... And then, you know what will happen, all of this reputation and name you made by selling your body, it'll all go to vian "

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